Lecture 5: Visual branding | Logos Flashcards
What are the components of visual brand?
Visual brand components: what is a logo?
face of the brand: set of visual signifiers (often a symbol + name) that refer to the brand
Visual brand components: what is typography?
refers to the display of text related to a brand, including the size and the kerning of the font
Visual brand components: what is color?
a fundamental cue to the identity of a brand
What is a logo and what are the 3 categories (Evamy, 2012)?
A visual emblem of the identity of a brand. Broadly speaking, logos can be classified in three categories
What are symbols?
geometric elements that have deeper (often cultural) meaning (esso, mitsubishi)
What are representations?
stylized depictions of nature, humans, vehicles or other (McDonalds, Disney, Holister)
What are logotypes?
representations of the name brand with characteristic font (netflix, barbie, cocacola)
What makes a logo successful? | Vam Grinsven & Das, 2016
What is the research question?
How does exposure to a logo influence attitude to the related brand? Does the complexity of the logo influence this relationship?
What makes a logo successful? | Vam Grinsven & Das, 2016
Why is it difficult to research succesfull logos?
Research found that logo characteristics that are associated with success are difficult to quantify (harmonic, pleasant)
What defines the complexity of logos?
Feature complexity
Design complexity
What is feature complexity?
basic features like color, luminance and edges and design complexity
What is design complexity?
complexity of shapes, objects and patterns. It positively influences comprehension and memory
What is an assumption about logo complexity and recall?
A simpler logo is easier to remember, because it requires less processing capacity, and is easier to store the consumer brain.
Once an image is (consciously/subconsciously) in a person’s knowledge, it will be easier to recall with each new exposure.
Because of processing fluency, we can expect recall + attitude to improve upon repeated exposure also for complex logos
The idea is: if a simple logo is easy to remember already from the first or second exposure -> after a certain times of exposures, complex and simple logos will perform similarly
Aesthetic effects of logos: The tripping point is influnced by?
Habituation = process of learning something from the stimulus with every exposure
Tedium = satiation is reaches = boredom
Key idea: the more complex a stimulus (brand) is, the longer the process of learning and the later tedium is reached