Lecture 5: Toxoplasma Flashcards
who can be the intermediate host?
anyone can be an intermediate host: cow, chicken, frog, fish, etc.
not just mammals
what does someone infected with toxoplasma gondii have?
can toxoplasma gondii infect fetus?
yes this parasite can infect a fetus
what is the distribution of toxoplasma gondii in developed vs less developed countries?
- the younger you are, the less likely you are infected with toxo (likelihood of infection increases by age)
- peak at 25 because when you get older, you start to experiment more in food. if the food is raw, you are more likely to get toxo.
- due to the environment
- there are areas with a lot of stray cats, and children play outside and expose themselves
- eat m ore raw meat.
What are the 2 hosts required for the life cycle of toxoplasma gondii (the definitive and intermediate hosts)
How does each host get infected with Toxo?
Definitive host
- Domestic and wild cats. ALWAYS FELINE
- They get infected by ingesting sporulates oocysts or infected rodents or birds.
Intermediate host (reservoir host)
- Most species of warm-blooded animals, including birds, mice, squirrels, rabbits, cattle, pigs, sheet, fish, etc.
Humans get infected by ingesting the oocyte, eating raw meat, transplacentally or organ transpantations.
what are the two phases of the life cycle in toxo?
intestinal phase: (occurs only in wild or domestic cats) and produces oocysts
extra-intestinal phage: (occurs in all infected animals and produces tachyzoites, eventually bradyzoites)
What is the life cycle of toxoplasma gondii in the definitive host?
cat is infected by:
- eating OOCYST in cat feces
OR - eating an intermediate host like a mouse containing BRADYZOITES
the oocyst develops into sporozoites. the sporozoites and the bradyzoites can penetrate the SMALL INTESTINE
will differentiate into trophozoite, and eventually merozoites from binary fission/schizogony.
it will re-invade the small intestine and turn into gametocytes (sexual form) where theyll differentiate into microgamete (male) and macrogamete (female)
microgamete and macrogamete form a ZYGOTE.
what is the life cycle of toxoplasma gondii in the intermediate host?
vertebrate will become infected by ingesting oocyst or ingesting raw/poorly cooked intermediate host containing bradyzoites
oocysts differentiate into sporozoite in 2-3 days and then penetrate any nucleated body cell to become tachyzoites. whereas bradyzoites immediately penetrate body cell and become tachyzoites. (RAPID MULTIPLICATION)
they eventually become bradyzoites (SLOW MULTIPLICATION) as host builds up immunity.
bradyzoites are infective to cat and humans.
- immature oocyst is shed in cat feces
- mature oocyst develops by sporogony and contains two sporocysts, each with four infective sporozoites
- oocysts can infect many hosts, including mice, domestic animals, and humans via ingestion
- sporozoites from ingested oocists invade animal tissue and develop into bradyzoites within tissue cysts or into tissue-invading tachyzoites
- cat ingests bradyzoites in tissue cysts in animals, usually mice
- immature oocyst is shed in cat feces
- mature oocyst develops by sporogony and contains two sporocysts, each with four infective sporozoites
- oocysts can infect many hosts, including mice, domestic animals, and humans via ingestion
- sporozoites from ingested oocists invade animal tissue and develop into bradyzoites within tissue cysts or into tissue-invading tachyzoites
- cat ingests bradyzoites in tissue cysts in animals, usually mice
which are the infective stages of toxoplasma gondii?
all stages are the infective stages (oocyst, bradyzoites, tachyzoites)
what is it called when you develop sickness from taxoplasma gondii?
what are the three forms that toxoplasma gondii exist in?
- oocysts
- tachyzoites
- bradyzoites (tissue cysts)
Toxoplasma gondii - oocyst … where do they normally come from?
- Infected cats shed oocysts for only 1-2 weeks following parasite infection
- They sporulate and become infective after 2 days
-Remain viable in the soil for YEARS
Define the oocyst (what does it look like)
- The oocyst contains two sporocysts
- Each sporocyst contains 4 sporozoites.