Lecture 5 - The single market Flashcards
What are the 3 main benefits to a country of joining a single market?
Three main sources of gain (Cecchini 1988):
1- Cost savings and specialisation from elimination of frontier controls and the removal of other non-tariff barriers to trade
2- Economies of scale: large plants can use more specialised machinery at potentially lower cost and firms can spread R&D, marketing costs etc over more output
3- Increased cross-border competition: raised efficiency and increased innovation
Explain the 1985 Single Market Programme
- The 1985 Single Market program aimed to revitalise the European customs market in order to stimulate growth and employment and improve European competitiveness
- It did this by creating an area without internal frontiers via four freedoms of movement: goods, services, persons and capital
What actions were taken to create the 1985 single market?
1- Abolishment of intra-EU frontier controls
2- Harmonisation of technical barriers: The 28 national standards were replaced with 1 EU standard - the Euro Sausage or replace with a mutual recognition of each other’s standards
3- Ended discriminatory public procurement: all state bodies were to buy from the cheapest source
4- Streamline patent protection: 2012 unitary patent was agreed
5- Encourage more cross border services: Financial services were allowed to operate foreign branches under home country control
What were the effects of the 1985 single market on GDP?
The measured impact on GDP is small, however large potential remains