Lecture 5- The hind gut or large intestine and maintenance energy Flashcards
What is the general description of the large intestine?
large intestine= colon, cecum, appendix and rectum -cecum= pouch below the junction of the small and large intestines (at the ileocecal vave) -appendix lymphoid tissue= houses good bacteria? -colon= most of the large intestine -not coiled (unlike the small intestine) -3 sections- ascending, transverse and descneding -terminal portion is S shaped then straignthens to form recturm -one line missing
What are the 2 types of post gastric fermentations?
- Caecal fermenters • Mainly rodents, rabbits and other small herbivores • Often associated with coprophagy and caecotrophy (eat their shit again= caecotroph -coprophagy= eating shit of other species) 2. Colonic fermenters • Includes true herbivores (e.g., horse), omnivores (e.g., pig and human), and carnivores (e.g., cat and dog) • Horse has some expanded caecal fermentation in addition to greatly expanded colonic fermentation • Degree of colonic sacculation is related to importance of fibre digestion and fermentative capacity
What are some examples of caecal digesters?
-capybara: grazer -rabbit: selective herbivore -rat, mouse: omnivores
What are some examples of colonic digesters?
-sacculated: -Elephant, horse, zebra: grazers -New World monkeys: folivores -Pig, human: omnivores -unsacculated: -panda: herbivore -dog, cat: carnivore
What are the functions of the large intestine (3)?
• Re-absorption of water and compact indigestible matter into faeces • Site of absorption of vitamins produced by bacteria (e.g. fermentation) • Storage of faecal matter prior to defecation -main function is the storage of fecal matter but also absorption of water, condense the waste material
What does the large intestine look like?
What is the histology of the large intestine?
• Absence of villi – unlike the small intestine (no enzymatic function only to protect the wall of the large intestine) • Presence of goblet cells for mucus secretion • Deep intestinal glands present in the wall
What is the physiology of the large intestine?
• Re-absorption in the large intestine includes:
- Water • Vitamins – K, biotin, and B5
- Organic wastes – urobilinogens and sterobilinogens
- Bile salts
- Toxins
• Mass movements of material through colon and rectum
• Defaecation reflex triggered by distention of rectal walls
-organic waste= from blood etc. -mass movements of material through colon and rectum=eating a meal triggers defecation quite often (viz PIC- stretch reflexes!)
What is maintenance energy?
the energy you need to keep yourself alive
- just to keep going
- need to memorise this diagram
- what you cannot digest, and also need e to get rid of fecal matter
- then energy that you can digest and then the energy that
- maintenance costs energy
What is a respiration calorimeter?
• Measures heat produced by an animal • Lavoisier and Laplace developed the first animal calorimeter in 1780 • Guinea pig in a chamber surrounded by ice -the can not if one animal is more efficient in digestion -the 1st is for guineapig
What does direct and indirect calorimetry do?
• Direct calorimetry actually measures the amount of heat given off • Indirect calorimetry measures oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production and estimates heat given off mathematically
What is a Douglas bag?
-bag you put on a human and measure the respiration -can limit activity of the subject and the duration of measurement (extremely uncomfortable to wear)
What is the PowerLab?
-modified Douglas bag, used for sheep -The modified PowerLabTM exercise physiology system allows the measurement of acute, real time gas exchange in sheep.
What is maintenance?
- The amount of energy (or protein) needed to maintain an animal in zero energy (or protein) balance
- Strictly speaking, maintenance requirement is only measurable in a mature, non-pregnant, non-lactating animal
- But in practice the concept is widely applied to productive animals
What is efficiency?
• Maintenance feed requirements have a major effect on efficiency of feed utilisation • For instance >40% energy intake is used to support maintenance