Lecture 5 - Prenatal Care Flashcards
What are early signs of prengnancy?
amenorrhea N/V/food aversions breast enlargement and tenderness increased frequency of urination without dysuria fatigue cramping constipation heartburn nasal congestion mood changes
Serum Bhcg can confirm pregnancy how long after conception?
1 week
Urine Bhcg levels need to be how high to confirm a positive pregnancy?
> 25-50 mIU/mL
estimated gestational age
ideally determined between 6-8 weeks GA (confirming viability - fetal pole and fetal heartbeat)
estimated date of delivery
estimated date of confinement
Naegele’s Rule
Used to determine the estimated date of delivery
EDD = (LMP - 3 months) + 7 days
What provides accurate EDD?
Crown Rump Length
What weeks are considered first trimester?
13 weeks
If the LMP (Naegele’s Rule) doesn’t match the ultrasound in regards to EDD, what do you base the EDD on?
also if the pts doesnt know her LMP you solely base the EDD on the US
Gravida and Para
Gravida - how many times pt has been pregnant Para - what are the outcomes of those pregnancies - broken down into T (term), P (preterm), A (abortion), L (living) G P(TPAL)
What is considered to term?
> 37 weeks
What is considered preterm?
20-37 weeks
G3 P2012
3 pregnancies
2 term pregnancies
1 abortion
What are the components of the first prenatal visit?
Med Hx Surgical Hx Genetic Hx Domestic Violence screening Teratogen exposure screening Vitals (BP, BMI) PE -thyroid -heart and lungs -breast -abdomen -pelvic US - determine EDD Labs -ABO, antibody -CBC -Hep B -Rubella -Syphilis -HIV -Pap smear -Urine Culture (we treat asymptomatic bacteruira in pregnant pts only) CF screening SMN screening
What are the two most common cancers dx during pregnancy?
breast and cervical
When do pts typically start showing during pregnancies?
20 weeks
What can you tell a pt in regards to weight gain during pregnancy?
if their BMI is: <18.5 -- 25-40 lbs 18.5-25 -- 25-35 lbs 25 - 29.9 -- 15-25 lbs >30 - 10-20 lbs
Is there a specific max HR for pregnant pts to avoid during exercise while pregnant?
What foods do you need to advice your pts to avoid during pregnancy?
undercooked meat (no pink d/t risk of toxoplasmosis)
cold deli meat
unpasteurized cheese or dairy
high mercury fish (shark, tilefish, mackerel, swordfish, tuna)
raw sprouts
raw eggs
EtOH, smoking, and dugs
Cat litter (esp. outdoor cats)
Hot tubs and saunas - NTD risk with hot environments
Which vaccinations are NOT to be given during pregnancy?
MMR, varicella
any live vaccines