Lecture 5// Igneous Rock Flashcards
Chapter 5
Igneous rock (1)
-Forms when magma or lava cools and minerals begin to crystallize. Some form from ash (pulverized rock).
Intrusive/Plutonic igneous rock (2)
- Magma crystallizes slowly within deep, large intrusions (thousands of yrs) = coarse-grained rocks.
- Minerals crystallize from magma at depth in large intrusions.
Extrusive/Volcanic igneous rock (3)
- Lava/shallow magma cools and crystallizes quickly (min/hr/days) = fine-grained rocks.
- Minerals crystallize from magma near the surface in narrow, shallow intrusions, or from extruded lava.
- Explosive materials (ash/pumice) settling on the surface after an eruption.
Aphanitic (3)
- Minerals too small to see.
- Fast cooling.
- Example: Rhyolite.
Phaneritic (3)
- Minerals large enough to see with unaided eye.
- Slow cooling.
- Example: Granite.
Glassy (3)
- Glassy, shiny, and conchoidal fractures. No obvious minerals.
- Generally forms from extremely cooling of the surface of a lava flow.
- Example: Obsidian.
Pyroclastic (3)
- Fused, glassy volcanic rock fragments and ash from explosive volcanic eruption.
- Forms from explosive eruptions; mix of dull angular fragments and ash.
- Tuff
Vesicular (3)
- Many holes or pits in rock surfaces caused by escaping gas. (Aphanitic with vesicles)
- Vesicles form as gas escapes from a lava flow.
- Example: vesicular basalt.
Porphyrytic (3)
-Two distinct mineral sizes.
Forms in two stages:
-1st = slow cooling at depth (phenocrysts).
-2nd = faster cooling at or near surface (groudmass).
-Example: Porphyritic Basalt.
7 Types of Igneous Intrusions (7)
1) Volcanic pipe
2) Dike
3) Stock
4) Batholith
5) Laccolith
6) Sill
7) Xenoliths
Volcanic pipe (1)
-Subsurface geological structures created by the violent eruption of deep-origin volcanoes.
Dike (1)
-Form when magma pushes up towards the surface through cracks in the rock, forming vertical structures of igneous rock.
Stock (1)
-Large igneous intrusions less than 100km^2.
Batholith (1)
-Large igneous intrusions > 100km^2.
Laccolith (1)
-Igneous intrusion that has split apart two strata, resulting in a dome-like structure. (mushroom-shaped)
Sill (1)
-Form when magma intrudes between the rock layers, forming a horizontal or gentlydipping sheet of igneous rock.
Xenoliths (1)
-Not an intrusion but it’s a foreign rock embedded in magma while magma was cooling.
Example of batholiths (3)
- Our coast mountains are uplifted and exposed batholiths.
- These are the roots of ancient volcanoes that were exposed over the past 100 million years as erosion stripped away kilometers of overlying rock.
- Example of exposed intrusions: Granodiorite exposed along the roadway to Cypress Bowl.
Bowen’s Reaction Series (2)
- Minerals that crystallize from molten rock do so at different temperatures. (1200°C-750°C
- Color index gets darker and green as it approaches ultramafic rocks,
Ultramafic composition (1)
-Dominated by olivine (FeMgSiO) and/or pyroxene.
Mafic composition (1)
-Dominated by plagioclase and pyroxene. Small amounts of olivine can be present.
Intermediate composition (1)
-Roughly even mixtures of felsic minerals (mainly plagioclase) and mafic minerals (mainly amphibole, pyroxene, and/or biotite). There is little or no quartz.
Felsic composition (1)
-Mostly feldspar (especially K-feldspar) also muscovite and quartz.