Lecture 5 - Hot Spot Analysis Flashcards
how we quantify depends on how we group/classify data
density depends on the sensitivity of the study region definition
density-based point pattern measures characterize patterns based on 1st order properties
- Quadrat counts
2. Kernel density estimation
- a cell may not contain any incidents but can have a high score (because of the way density is smoothed out with the kernel)
- changes in cell size/search distance can result in different surfaces (local vs global)
- edge/border effects
- legend can be confusing
examples: chernobyl radiation over weeks after density of walmart vs starbucks vs mcdonalds air pollution emissions turtle populations crime hot spots
Ratio = KDE result / KDE background population
Mathematical equations to density
Map results by mean or standard deviation
Can map / animate hot spots over time to see how it moves
What is a hot spot?
a cluster of incidents or high values
First order effects
Global effect
The driving process
Second order effects
Local effect
The local distribution - secondary processes (spatial autocorrelation)
Quadrat count method
Use a quadrat (grid) to count the density by counting each square - used often in ecology (count dominant landcover/plant species in each square)
Two types:
Exhaustive census approach
Random sampling
Quadrat: exhaustive census approach
- uniform grids drawn across study area and thematically mapped
- choice of origin, orientation and size affects observed frequency distribution
- commonly used in spatial crime and epidemiology studies
-quadrat is too large / small
Quadrat: random sampling approach
- possible to increase the sample size by adding more quadrats
- may describe point pattern w/o having complete data on the entire pattern
- common in field biology work
Quadrat shapes
- squares
- hexagonal
- triangular
hexagons are fairly common because they have lots of neighbours
Kernel Density Estimation
- Kernel = group of cells around a central point
- calculates density using a kernel function
- creates raster surfaces - using a neighbourhood of values (Kernel)
- larger Kernel = smoother and less detailed
- smaller Kernel = patchier but better detailed
- ArcGIS has an algorithm to calculate optimum kernel size
KDE process
fit a weighted cone over each point, the cone has distance decay with more density in the middle than extremes, KDE algorithm sums across the study region all the cones to create a new raster surface
it is a VISUAL estimate of density but not a statistical test of density
Bandwith = radius
- use to make the kernel wider or narrower
- useful to look for local or global trends (local = small bandwidth, global = large)
spurious ‘noise’ and border effects
spurious ‘noise’ = lone points at the edge generate density which is unreliable, the solution to use adaptive kernel estimation (alter bandwidth as a function of the density of underlying points)
boundaries = may be missing contributions from the edge, solution to adopt edge correction or refine boundary inwards by a distance equal to the bandwidth
KDE core considerations
- what constitutes a hot spot?
- defining hot spot thresholds (symbology/classification)
- what can you control? cell size and kernel distance (bandwidth)
- need to statically test significance
- to test significant use ratio = KDE result / KDE background population