Lecture 5 - HIV Infection 2 Flashcards
labs prior to starting ART therapy
CD4 count
Viral load, goal = below limit @ 6 months
Genotypic resistance
CBC, BMP, lipid panel at BL & Q3-6months
NRTI class effects
Lactic acidosis and hepatic steatosis
mostly with older drugs
** NRTI **
300mg QD or 150 BID
Renal adjusted w/ < 50
Dont use w/ Emtracitabine…essentially same drug
** NRTI **
300mg QD or 150 BID
Renal adjusted w/ < 50
Dont use w/ Emtracitabine…essentially same drug
** NRTI **
200mg QD
Really adjusted w/ <50
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate = TDF
** NRTI **
can cause nephrotoxicity
monitor Serum creatinine, Renally adjusted < 50
Can decrease bone mineral density
Less weight gain
Tenofovir alafenamide = TAF
** NRTI **
25mg QD combo w/ FTC
10mg QD if part of boosted single tab regimen
Lower incidence of nephrotoxicity/lower BMD reductions
No renal adjustment
** NRTI **
600mg QD or 300mg BID
** Requires HLA-B*5701 ** cant use if positive
Possible inc risk of MI, avoid if high cardiac risk
** NRTI **
300mg BID
Take w/ food due to GI
can cause bone marrow suppression
Only NRTI w/ IV formulation
New borns and pregnant ppl main use*
NNRTI class effects
Rash, including Steven-johnson syndrome…less common second gen
** NNRTI **
600QD, 800mg w/ rifampin or 300mq w/ voriconazole
Can cause dyslipidemia
Vivid dreams = inc taken w/ high fat meals
Worsen depression
Multiple CYP interactions
Insert says to not take w/ food due to inc absorption and inc side effects
** NNRTI **
Req acidic environment for absorption
25mgQD w/ high calorie meal
Dont start if CD4 <200 or VL > 100,000
Can worsen depression
May cause QTc prolongation
possible to use if resistance
** NNRTI **
100mg QD w/ or w/o food
fever CNS effects than otehrs
Fever DI
No cross-resistance w/ other NNRTIs
possible to use if resistance
INSTI class effects
Weight gain
~ 4kg up to 7kg depending on drugs
worse women than men
Dosed BID, inc w/ rifampin
High dose came out but still have to take 2 tablets
Can cause CK elevations and rhambdo