Lecture 5: Factors Affecting IHC Staining Flashcards
What is the principle aim of IHC?
Attach the maximum amount of label to the antigen with a minimum amount of nonspecific/background binding
The ability of a detection system to detect the target antigen while using increasingly sparse dilutions of primary antibody
The ability of an antibody to bind exclusively to its particular antigen (no off-target binding)
What is cold ischemic time?
Time between removing tissue form the body and submerging it in fixative
We want it to be as short as possible-> target is 1 hour in hospital situations
Why is cold ischemic time critical?
Because autolysis and putrefaction begin as soon as tissue leaves the body, disrupting the tissue that needs to be studied
Why is letting the tissue dry out a bad thing?
Negatively impacts cellular morphology, such as nuclear detail/poorly defined chromatin, which is critical for pathologists to read
Increases the risk for non-specific binding or staining artifacts
Prolonged fixation leads to what?
Excessive protein cross-linking and poor antigen retrieval
This can mask methylene bridges formed during aldehyde fixation
Formaldehyde/aldehyde fixative substitutes
fix tissue while avoiding masking epitopes
Can be aqueous or alcohol based
Penetrate slower than formalin, so tissue needs to be trimmed as thin as possible before fixing
Advantages of Formaldehyde substitutes?
Little to no antigen retrieval needed
Less toxic
Arrive pre-mixed and ready-to-use
Disadvantages of Formaldehyde substitutes?
May contain additives that cause false positive or false negative IHC results
Fixation takes longer
What is the maximum temperature a sample can experience while maintaining antigenicity?
60C because proteins are altered at high temperatures
This applies to heating in ovens and antigen retrieval
Think of cooking an egg white
Why should you avoid additives in your waterbath?
They can cause non-specific staining
What else can cause non-specific staining in your water bath?
Bacteria from not using DI water
Floaters from not properly skimming and cleaning your water bath between samples
Why should slides be dried upright?
To prevent water or air being trapped under the sections which can cause damage or uneven staining
Never go from xylene straight to?
Water because they are immiscible
Use a set of graded alcohols as an intermediary
Xylene to 100%EtOH to 95%EtOH to H2O
Why is heat important for antigen retrieval?
Because heating proteins fixed by formaldehyde results in hydrolysis that breaks down protein cross-links, re-exposing previously masked antigens without damaging the fixed tissue
heat “opens up” proteins, thus exposing antigens
Methods for heat antigen retrieval
microwave oven, water bath, pressure cooker, or autoclave
PH and antigen retrieval
pH affects success of retrieval
Optimal pH depends on the solution/kit beings used
Sub-optimal pH can cause tissue to detach from the slide
Enzymatic antigen retrieval
proteolytic (protein cleaving) enzymes break cross-links formed during fixation, “chewing”
Helps improve reagent penetration during subsequent IHC
Effective use is both time (duration) and temperature sensitive (high temp seeds up enzymatic action)
Heat Retrieval Advantages
better efficiency/quality of protein extraction
Enzymatic Retrieval Advantages
generally faster
Heat Retrieval Disadvantages
generally takes a longer time compared to enzymatic