Lecture 5 – Electricity Markets: Market Coupling – Basics and Situation in Europe Flashcards
What are the fifferent mechanisms to allocate transmission capacities between areas?
Explicit auction and implicit auction
What are the properties of Explicit capacity auction?
▪ Transmission capacity on an interconnector is auctioned separately and independently from electricity
▪ Simple method of handling the capacity on international interconnections
▪ Normally annual, monthly and daily auctions
▪ Lack of information about the prices of electricity during auction of capacity can result in an inefficient utilization of interconnectors (i.e. less social welfare, less price convergence and more frequent adverse flows)
What are the properties of implicit capacity auction?
▪ Auctioning of transmission capacity is included (implicitly) in the auctions of electricity
▪ Day-ahead transmission capacity used to integrate the spot markets in different areas to maximize the overall social welfare in the markets
▪ Flow on an interconnector based on market data from the marketplace/s in the connected markets
▪ Resulting prices per area reflect both the cost of energy in each internal bidding area (price area) and the cost of congestion
▪ Ensure that electricity flows from the surplus areas (low price) towards the deficit areas (high price) → price convergence
What is market splitting?
▪ Implicit auction of transmission capacity within the day-ahead electricity auction by one single power exchange
▪ If transmission capacity between the internal bidding areas is not enough to get a complete convergence of price → different prices in different bidding areas
▪ “Market splitting”: limited transmission capacity leads to a split between to market areas
What is market coupling?
▪ Implicit auction in cooperation between two or more power exchanges
▪ TSOs provide transmission capacity available between market areas
▪ Central calculation of flows between and prices in all market areas
▪ “Market coupling”: Two or more power exchanges submit necessary market information to a central coupling algorithm
▪ typically used at the day-ahead stage whereby for every hour of operation either prices across the energy markets converge or all the available transmission capacity is utilized, with power flowing towards the high price area.
What happens between 2 markets in market coupling?
▪ Isolated price market A < Isolated price market B
▪ Market A can export to market B (purchase and sale curve shift)
▪ Prices market A and B converge till price market A = price market B
What are the characteristics of market coupling and their benefits?
a) Non-discriminatory opportunities for all market participants - transparent, neutral and fair for all players in the market
b) Optimal utilization of cross-border capacities - maximal benefit for the market
c) Capacity will be used according to price signals - significant reduction of economic losses
d) Simultaneous handling of electricity trading and capacity allocation - reduced transaction costs
What are the general advantages of market coupling?
▪ Improvement of congestion management
▪ Maximization of total surplus of all participants; cheaper generation in one country can cover more valuable demand in another country
▪ Capacity withholding as a market power instrument can be weakened, because of higher liquidity from connected markets
Describe volume coupling (loose coupling)?
▪ Determination of market coupling flows by market coupling system
▪ Determination of power prices by participating power exchanges
▪ Price derivation: only power flow as input for (local) price calculation
Describe price coupling (close coupling)?
▪ Determination of market coupling flows by market coupling system
▪ Determination of power prices by market coupling system
▪ Price derivation: combined power flow and price calculation
What are the economic effects of volume coupling?
+ Power exchanges remain responsible for price determination
+ Efficient allocation of cross-border capacities
- Small deviations from optimum possible due to separate determination of power
price and transmission volume
What are the economic effects of price coupling?
+ Main market functions performed by one market coupling system
+ Integrated determination is efficient and reduces suboptimal flows
+ Integrated determination of power price and transmission avoids small deviations
- Competition among power exchanges clearly reduced
What is the target of EU Regulation regarding market coupling?
▪ Efficient usage of cross-border capacities by the introduction of day- ahead, market based mechanisms
▪ Enabling buyers and sellers on power exchanges to get automatic access to cross-border energy trade without having to acquire the corresponding transmission capacity
Which principles is the PCR (Price Coupling of Regions), a project of European Power Exchanges based on?
single algorithm (Euphemia), robust operation and individual power exchange accountability
What does the Euphemia algorithm do?
The Euphemia algorithm gives a fair and transparent determination of day-ahead electricity prices and a net position of a bidding area across Europe. It optimizes the overall welfare and increase transparency.