Lecture 5-Chp. 4 Flashcards
Excitable tissues
- Nerve and muscle cells produce electrical signals when excited
- Neurons use these electrical signals to receive, process, initiate, and transmit messages
- Muscles use these electrical signals to stimulate cytoskeletal movement
- Some endocrine tissues release hormones as response to excitation
3-19. Membrane Potential (Vm)
- Separation of opposite charges across the plasma membrane
- Results from differences in the concentration and permeability of key ions
- Expressed as inside relative to outside
Resting membrane potential
- Characteristic of all cells, used for purpose by some cells
- Balance of passive leaks and active pumping (ATP powered)
- Neither K+ or Na+ at equilibrium, Cl- not influential
- In most cells, Vm is < 0 (anions dominate in the cytosol)
Neural Communication
- Signals are produced by changes in ion movement across the plasma membrane
- An event triggers a change in membrane potential
- Alters the membrane permeability and consequently alters ion flow across the membrane
Gated ion channels
- Voltage
- Ligand
- Mechano-gated (stomach)
Graded Potentials
- Local changes in membrane potential
- Occur in varying degrees of magnitude
- The stronger a triggering event, the larger the resultant graded potential
- Spread by passive current flow
- Current: any flow of electrical charges
- Die out over short distance
More positive
return to resting membrane potential
more negative, overshoot resting potential
Action potential
- Brief, rapid, large (100mV) changes in Vm
- Inside of cell transiently becomes more positive than outside
- Marked changes in ion movement
- Voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels
- Positive feedback: Change in Vm causes more channels to open
- Once Vm hits “threshold” level, many channels open, many ions move, large change in Vm
membrane permeability to ion (channel/pumps open or closed?)
Activation gate
mid-protein portion of ion channel which blocks ion movement unless rapidly opened when channel changes conformation (voltage gated)
Inactivation gate
cytosolic portion of Na+ channel that blocks the channel 0.5 msec after opening and has a time release; contributes to refractory period.
Detailed steps of Action potential
- Resting: channels closed
- 5 Some voltage gated Na+ channels open (activation gates open), Na+ influx
- Vm rises to -50mV (threshold). Many Na+ activation gates open, large Na+ influx, large depolarization.
- Steep rising phase-Na+ influx.
- At peak of AP, Na+ inactivation gates close, P Na+ falls, K+ activation gates open.
- Falling phase-K+ efflux repolarization
- At resting Vm Na+ channels reset (activation gate closed, inactivation gate open)
- Continued K+ efflux hyperpolarizes membrane
- K+ activation gate closes, membrane returns to resting Vm, (partly action of Na+/K+ ATPase).
Resting Vm
- Large net diffusion of K+ outward establishes an Ek+ of -90mV
- There is no diffusion of A- across membrane
- Relatively small net diffusion of Na+ inward neutralizes some of the potential created by K+ alone