lecture 5: chirality Flashcards
BLANK objects are nonsuperimposable mirror images
chiral objects
blank objetcs are mirror images which are superimposable
achiral objects
what are chiral objecst
non superimposable mirror images
what are achiral objects
mirror images which are superimposable
give example of chiral objects
hands, ears, feet
give examples of achiral objects
cup, chair, pencil
what are constitutional isomers
same mol formula diff connectivity
what are stereoisomers
same connectivity same molcular formula but different arrangements of atoms in 3d space
same connectivtiy but different 3d isomers
what are the 2 catergoes of steroisomers
what are enantiomers
stereoisomers that are NON superimposable mirror images
what are diasteriomets
stereosiomers that are non-superimposabl, none mirror images
which are stereoisomers that are NON superimposable mirror images
which are stereosiomers that are non-superimposabl, none mirror images
a chiral compound and its mirror image is a diastereomer or enenatiomer
true or false: enantimoers can only occur for chiral molucles
what are isomers
same mol formula but diff compound
what is an assymetric center
c bound to 4 diff substituents
isomers with assymetric centers are what shape
cis trans isomers refer to spatial orietnance about what
about a double bond or a ring
true or false: enantiomer is a non superimposable mirror image
true or false: enantiomers are trigonal planar with 3 diff groups
false, they are tetrahydral with 4 diff groupes resulting in 2 possible configurations