Lecture 5 Flashcards
How is energy y harvested from the sun?
Directly - photosynthesis
indirectly - using photosynthesising organisms as fuel
What is energy in electrochemical terms?
a flow of electrons from fuel to oxidant
Examples of Fuels and Oxidants
Fuels - fats, sugars, H2
Oxidants - O2, nitrate and H+
Three types of proteins used to achieve electron flow
- blue copper
- iron- sulphur
- cytochromes
How do donors affect reduction potential?
- Strong donors stabilise high oxidation states, and lower the reduction potential
- Weak donors, pi acceptors and protons all stabilise low oxidation states and raise the reduction potential
What other than donors affects reduction potential?
- relative permittivity
- media
- hydrogen bonding interactions
What is Marcus Theory?
- explains rate of electron transfer
- the lower the reorganisation energy the faster the reaction
What are Blue copper proteins? Give 2 examples
- Small proteins bound to a single Cu atom and are so called due to their intense blue colour when oxidised
- plastocyanins used in the photosynthetic pathway between Photosystem 1 and 2
- Azurin found in bacteria, involved in electron transport between [NO3]- to N2
Structure of plastocyanin and azurin
- Plastocyanin, Three closely bound donors (one Cys and 2 His) and a weaker Met donor
- Azurin has an additional weak coordination from the Gly O atom
- in both cases the Cu centre is protected from other molecules by the protien
Geometry of Blue Copper Proteins
- Rigid B-barrel structure, with fixed Cu coordination geometry
- Coordination centre suits both Cu (I) and Cu (II) centres so there is rapid electron transfer
- Bond lengths only increase by 5-10 pm on going from Cu (II) to Cu (I)
Distinctive Characteristics of type on blue copper Proteins
- intense blue colour in the Cu (II) state at 600 nm
- High but variable reduction potential (0.35 V)
- EPR with small hyperfine coupling to the Cu nucleus in Cu(II)
What causes Blue Copper proteins intense colour?
- Due to S(Cys) and Cu(II) LMCT
- high intensity means it can’t be a d-d transition
What causes hyperfine coupling?
- Simple Cu(II) complexes have large EPR hyperfine coupling to the Cu (I = 3/2 for 65Cu and 67Cu).
- Blue copper proteins have smaller coupling since the electron is delocalised onto the Cys S and “spends more time” away from the Cu centre.
- 40% of the time on the S(Cys) leading to a highly covalent Cu- S(Cys) bond.
Iron-sulphur proteins
- high spin Fe(III) and Fe(II) centres, tetrahedrally coordinated by sulphur ligands
- classified by how many iron and sulphide atoms they contain
Rubredoxins vs Ferredoxins
- Rubredoxins contain one iron centre
- Ferredoxins contain 2,3,4 iron centres