Lecture 5 Flashcards
What is Validity?
-how well are we measuring what we are supposed to measure?
-total variance of test scores (o2x) = construct of interest (o2ci)+ systematic error of measurement (o2se) + random error of measurement (o2re)
-test scores must be reliable in order to be valid
-validity is about the proportion of variance that can be attributed to construct of interest (validity = o2ci / o2x)
What are the types of validity?
-face validity
-content validity
-criterion-related validity (multiple subtypes)
-experimental validity
-construct validity
What is face validity?
-test appears to be assessing what it is supposed to assess
-extent to which a test is subjectively viewed as covering the construct it is supposed to assess
-usefulness: acceptation, cooperation, etc.
-limits: bias, social desirability, etc.
only one that is optional
What is content validity?
-test covers key aspects of the construct it aims to assess (includes representative sample of target behaviours
-typically assessed by experts (scholars, clinicians, etc.)
What is criterion-related validity?
-established via comparison of test scores with “objective” criterion assumed to provide some “true” reflection of the underlying construct
-criterion refers to an external measure or source of information that informs us about the real presence of the construct that we want to assess
What are the 2 categories in the first subtype of criterion-related validity?
-concurrent: criterion is administered simultaneously
-predictive: criterion is administered later (selection - problems)
What are the 4 categories in the second subtype of criterion-related validity?
-congruent: criterion assesses the same construct
-convergent: criterion assesses a related construct (different construct assumed to be related)
-discriminant: criterion assesses a construct known to be: (a) opposite of target construct (negative correlation); (b) unrelated to target construct (no correlation)
-discriminative: criterion is categorical (aim is to predict group membership) [do scores on the test differ between groups of people]
What are 2 ways criterion-related (concurrent or predictive) discriminative validity can be assessed?
-Mean comparisons
What are mean comparisons?
-groups (serving as the criterion) are compared based on their test scores treated as continuous variables (norm-referenced or not)
-ex: compare engineers and musicians scores on a test of “musical abilities” using a t-test
What is Chi-Square?
-groups (serving as the criterion) are compared based on their test scores treated as categorical variables (criterion-referenced).
-ex: compare frequency of individuals receiving a diagnosis of bipolar disorder based on test scores in a group of psychology students and a group of psychiatric patients
In which types of criterion-related validity do we expect a strong positive correlation and which formula is used?
-congruent and convergent [predictive]
-r2xy = o2ci / o2x (squaring the correlation between test and criterion measure –> rough indicator of how much of the total variance in your test can be attributed to the construct of interest as captured by that specific criterion measure)
-1 - r2xy = o2e(s+r) / o2x (how much error there is in test score in total combining the 2 sources of error [random and systematic error])
In selection procedures, which type of validity do we look at and using what method & formula?
-in selection we work with validity that is predictive [congruent and convergent]
-in selection, validity is assessed using regression (rather than a correlation [because it is unidirectional]).
-Y’ = a + b(X)
-there is always a discrepancy between the observed score on the criterion (Y) and the score that is predicted (Y’) based on the test scores (X), unless validity is perfect (which never happens).
-the difference, or discrepancy, is called the Prediction Error
What is the standard error of the estimate?
-exactly how much prediction error is there on the average when we use scores from the test to predict the outcome
What are the 2 ways the standard error of the estimate can be calculated?
-first method (long): (1) the prediction residuals are estimated: Y’ - Y; (2) the standard deviation of these residuals represent the standard error of the estimate.
-second method (short): √(1 - r2 xy) * oy (y=score on the criterion) [just squaring to total variance attributed to measurement error; cue card 11]
How do we calculate Confidence interval?
-CI for the predicted score on the criterion (e.g., success on the job):
-Y’ = a + b(X) [+/- (z)(standard error of the estimate)]
-Y’ = a + b(X) [+/- (1.96 or 2.58)standard error of the estimate]