Lecture 5 Flashcards
Good- bad, pleasant- unpleasant, appetitive- aversive. Valence is thought by many psychological theories to be a necessary feature of emotion experience (or ‘affect). It corresponds to the psychological dimensions of pleasantness/unpleasantness, or the stimulus-response dimension of appetitive vs. aversive (but again, these two are not the same thing).
The intensity of an emotion. Responses can scale in a graded way or with qualitative shifts. An emotion state can scale in intensity. Importantly, parametric scaling can result in discontinuous behaviours, such as the transition from hiding to fleeing during the approach of a predator. Intensity is often conceptualized as arousal, although these two are not the same thing.
An emotion state outlasts its eliciting stimulus, unlike reflexes, and so can integrate information over time, and can influence cognition and behaviour for some time. Different emotions have different persistence. Emotions typically persist for seconds to minutes. This property allows for integration of information with other internal states and processes: learning, generalization, etc.
- Context generalization (trans-situationality) : once elicited, an emotional state can persist across contexts (unlike reflexes, which are the same across situations)
- Stimulus generalization (‘stimulus degeneracy’): one emotional state can arise from different stimuli. Implicates learning
- Pleiotropy: one emotional state can induce multiple different outcomes (behavioral, physiological, somatic, etc. changes). Relates to global coordination.
Emotions & Learning
- Stimulus generalization is closely linked to learning
- Most stimuli that cause emotions gain this property through experience (i.e. associative emotional learning)
- The best understood example of this is Pavlovian conditioning
Global coordination
Emotion states causally interact with other internal states to a large extent. Emotions influence behaviour & cognition as well as endocrine and autonomic responses (pleiotropy). Emotions evolved to deal with challenges that required a whole body response. Outputs of emotion states need to be cohesive and to achieve this, they need to be coordinated. This coordination is a global feature of emotions and a property to look for in the brain. It’s also another differentiation from reflexes.
Examples of global coordination
Anatomical projections to different downstream targets: ex. projections from the central nucleus of the amygdala to brain stem and hypothalamic nuclei mediate different components of the fear response. There are many more projections (including cortex) and there are also reciprocal connections from most of the regions. This is likely too simple to be a full explanation of coordination because emotion states are almost certainly more distributed than one single brain region. Also, different subsets of responses are seen on different occasions and/or on different time scales
Coordination mechanisms
Synchronized oscillations across networks of brain regions could be another potential mechanism of coordination. For example, freezing (fear response) associates with a brain state of synchronized 4Hz oscillations in prefrontal cortex and amygdala. 4Hz oscillations provide longrange coupling of the neural activity in dmPFC and BLA, allowing for periods of synchronous coactivation of single neurons, which are believed to be involved in processes of information flow and synaptic plasticity
Coordination systems
There are multiple system architectures that could achieve co-ordination. Distributed systems could control individual components with synergistic/antagonistic interactions between components. Centralized systems with a single command neuron could execute a range of responses. Likely the brain uses multiple solutions to co-ordinate responses to emotion states
What is still to be understood about global coordination
The coordinated control exerted by emotion states is distributed in time and space. Emotion states often involve a large time range of sensorimotor processing (ex. shrinking back from an attacking bear vs planning how to escape from a bear that is still some distance away)
This is extraordinarily complex because it is distributed in space and time but also the many components of the response interact with each other. Much remains to be understood about how this occurs
Somewhat like reflexes, emotion states exhibit automaticity over behaviour i.e. no effort is required to elicit the behaviour. It is generally effortful to inhibit the behavioural response. Emotions could be thought of as an ‘interrupt’ mechanism for prioritizing urgent/important needs. Control of emotions most commonly observed in adult humans. In young children and animals, emotion seems to exert a larger control on behaviour. Emotion regulation through conscious control may be largely unique to adult humans.
Emotion regulation
The ability to have some degree of control over your emotion state. Regulation could occur at multiple levels:
- at the point of inducing the emotion state (ex. choosing circumstances and environments that will influence if and how an emotion is induced, like avoiding taking a class that has an oral presentation to avoid experiencing fear of public speaking)
- reappraising the stimulus(ex. internally reinterpreting a situation that could induce an emotion, like a friend ignores you when you say hello to them in the hall, you convince yourself they didn’t hear you.)
- directly trying to control the experience or expression of the emotion state (ex. telling yourself to stop feeling sad)
Emotion regulation and PTSD
Disrupted emotion regulation is implicated in a range of psychiatric disorders. For example, PTSD, phobias, depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapies develop strategies to re-establish cognitive control over one’s emotions.
Emotion regulation in the brain
Emotional regulation involves the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is one of the last brain regions to develop and plays a major role in emotional regulation. There are also substantial species differences in prefrontal cortex and it is largest and most elaborated in humans. This could be relevant to understanding differences in emotion regulation.
Social communication
Because emotional behaviours are difficult to control, they can serve as authentic social signals about an individual’s emotion state. Emotional behaviours are poised to be co-opted as social communication signals. We can infer something about another person or animal’s emotion state from their behaviour. But are we always right?
Social communication and volitional control
Volitional control over emotional expressions leads to the possibility of deception and manipulation. In humans, facial expression may have evolved from emotion behaviours to also serve as social communication signals. Facial muscles are controlled by a mix of volitional control and automatic controls. We have more volitional control over the lower half of our faces. We can see this in the difference between a smile elicited by a genuine emotion (Duchenne smile) and a ‘fake’ smile (non-Duchenne smile)
Interpreting facial expressions
Facial expressions are used in social communication but they can be very complex and ambiguous to interpret, ex. People smile in different circumstances & for different reasons (anxious, happy, submissive). Cultural differences in the meaning of facial expressions and when it is appropriate to display them. It is challenging to reliably link facial expressions to a specific human emotion
Are some emotion features uniquely human?
- Some emotion states are likely unique to humans or primates e.g. pride, embarrassment, awe. But are there general emotion features that are unique to humans?
- Volitional control i.e. emotion regulation could be thought of as an ’add-on’ that is specific to humans
- Subjective report (the ability to verbally report on our emotional experience) can be conceived of as a human-specific emotion behavior caused by an emotion state (pleiotropy)
- Stimulus decoupling: in humans an emotion state can be induces just by thinking about stimuli. This could be thought of as an extreme example of stimulus generalization.
Recognizing emotional expression in mammals
To study emotion states and their neural mechanisms we need to identify observable behaviors that can be used as a ‘readout’ of experimental manipulations. We need to make sure the animal is feeling emotion if we want to study emotions. How do we know what the behaviors related to emotions are? In mammals, this can often be identified through similarity to human behaviours e.g. freezing in fear in rodents.
Recognizing emotional expression in model organisms and martians
In model organisms e.g. Drosophila in which behavioural repertoires are more primitive this is more challenging. How can we identify (primitive) emotion behaviours that are not similar to our own? How would you know if a martian has emotions? It requires taking a more ethological approach (observe range of behaviours in the species and look for those that exhibit the properties of emotions that we outlined). Then, we can investigate how these behaviours are controlled by brain states
Do drosophila like sex? How to study such a question?
Do Drosophila have emotion states or is all behaviour controlled by chains of stimulus-response reflexes?
- Stimulus-response view: specific sensory cues trigger reflexive behavioural responses that in sequence produce mating behaviour. Drosophila mate because they are genetically programmed to respond to specific signals (e.g. odour cues) emitted by a potential mate
- Emotion view: behaviours are organized by a central emotion state. Drosophila mate (at least in part) because it it is associated with a state of reward
So, do drosophila like sex or not?
That is, does sex induce an emotion state in drosophila- can we find evidence for such a state?
The odour conditioning experiment suggests that the experience induced some kind of appetitive state – in general, appetitive stimuli are approached: drosophila males will spend more time close to an odour that they encountered during mating (Recall, stimulus generalization and associative learning). Brief activation of ’courtship neurons’ leads to persistent courtship behaviour. Together these observations suggest that S-R accounts are at best incomplete.
Experimental investigation of central emotion states
Emotions are a type of central neural state that are caused by stimuli and that, in turn, control a wide range of behavioural, cognitive and bodily changes. These central states have defining properties that are shared across different specific emotions within a species and across different species. How do we search for these central states? How do we know if we have found one? Understanding how any functional state is implemented in the brain is a key challenge that modern neuroscience is grappling with. Research on circadian oscillators provides an example of how we might distinguish between ‘central states’ and the outputs of central states.
Circadian clocks
Like emotions, circadian oscillators control a ‘central state’ . This state is rhythmic changes in system wide biological processes that follow a 24h day-night cycle. Circadian rhythms are evident across brain regions (& in behaviour, physiology etc.). Circadian research has identified a central circadian oscillator in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that is a master controller of circadian rhythms. Disrupting the central circadian oscillator in the SCN disrupts all circadian rhythms. Manipulating a single output of the clock only changes circadian rhythms in that specific output. This confirms that there is a central state regulating circadian oscillations.
Take-home point
The defining feature of a central state is that experimental manipulations of that state should affect multiple outputs of that state. To determine this, it is necessary to be able to manipulate components of the state (e.g. genes or brain cells). For this, we need model organisms and modern neuroscience techniques