Lecture 5 Flashcards
how does an evolution strategy work?
- initialize the population
- evaluate the population
WHILE termination criterion not met DO: - recombination
- mutation
- selection ((mu + lambda) or (mu, lambda))
- evaluate the new generation
- set the population to the new generation
what kinds of mutation operators exist for ES?
- one sigma (self-adaptive with one step size)
- individual sigma (self-adaptive with individual step sizes)
- correlated mutations
how does one sigma work?
individual before mutation: a = ((x1, x2,…), sigma)
mutate step size: sigma’ = sigma exp(tau_0*N(0,1))
mutate search variables: x’_i = x_i + sigma’ * N(0,1)
individual after mutation: a’=((x’1, x’2, …), sigma’)
what is tau_0?
it’s the learning rate
- affects speed of the sigma adaptation
- tau_0 bigger: faster but less precise
- tau_0 smaller: slower but more precise
- according to Schwefel: tau_0 = 1/sqrt(n)
what are the pros and cons of one sigma?
- simple adaptation mechanism
- self-adaptation usually fast and precise
- bad adaptation in case of complicated contour lines
- bad adaptation in case of very differently scaled object variables
how does individual mutation work?
before: a = ((x1, x2,…), (sigma1, sigma2))
1. sample a gobal perturbation: g ~ N(0,1)
2. mutate individual step sizes:
sigma’_i = sigma_i exp(tau’g + tauN(0,1))
3. mutate search variables:
x’_i = x_i + sigma’_i * N(0,1)
after: ((x’1, x’2,…), (sigma’1, sigma’2))
what are tau and tau’?
tau’ is the global learning rate
tau is the local learning rate
Schwefel: tau’ = 1/sqrt(2n) and
tau = 1/sqrt(2*sqrt(n))
what are the pros and cons of individual mutation?
- individual scaling of object variables
- increased global convergence reliability
- slower convergence due to increased learning effort
- no rotation of coordinate system possible
What is correlated mutation?
- changes to the parameters are not independent, but guided by a covariance matrix that captures correlation between the different elements of the solution vector
- also the rotation angles of planes are adapted
- the covariance matrix is obtained by multiplying the solution vector by the rotation matrix
- the correlation matrix must be positive definitive
what are the pros and cons of correlated mutation?
- individual scaling of object variables
- rotation of coordinate system possible
- increased global convergence reliability
- much slower convergence
- effort for mutations scales quadratically
- self-adaptation very inefficient
what is recombination?
the step in an ES directly after selection that iteratively generates lambda offspring
how does discrete recombination work?
the variable at position i will be copied at random (uniformly distributed) from position i of parent1 or parent2 to the offspring
how does intermediate recombination work?
the variable at position i of the offspring is the artithmetic mean of position i from parent1 and parent2
how does global discrete recombination work?
consider all parents and copy one of the parents at position i randomly to position i of the offpsring
how does global intermediary recombination work?
take the mean of all parents at position i
what is (mu + lambda) selection?
- mu parents produce lambda offspring by (recombination and) mutation
- the mu best out of mu + lambda will be selected (deterministic selection)
- this method guarantees monotonicity: deteriorations will never be accepted
what is (mu, lambda) selection?
- mu parents produce lambda»_space; mu offspring by (recombination and) mutation
- the mu best out of lambda offspring will be selected
- this method does not guarantee monotonicity: deteriorations are possible
what are the possible occurrences of selection in ES?
- (1+1): one parent, one offspring, 1/5 rule
- (1, lambda): one parent, lambda offspring
- (mu, lambda): mu > 1 parents, lambda > mu offspring (can overcome local optima)
- elitist strategies
what is the takeover time tau*?
the number of generations until repeated application of selection completely fills the population with copies of the initially best individual
for (mu, lambda) selection in ES:
tau* = ln lambda / ln (lambda/mu)
for proportional selection in GA:
tau* = lambda ln lambda
what are the update rules for correlated mutation?
sigma update same as individual sigma
alpha’_j = alpha_j + N(0, beta) with j in [n(n-1)/2]
x’_i = x_i + sigma’_i * N(0, C’)
with C’ (the new covariance matrix) computed from alpha’_j and sigma’_i