Lecture 5 Flashcards
what is relativism
no rights or wrongs, acts are morally acceptable if they conform to societys approved practices
what are universals
ethical principles we can apply to all societies across the world and across time
what is radical relativism
calling things ‘good or evil, right or wrong’ are just statements of approval/disapproval
(pineapples on pizza is wrong)
what is cultural relativism
things are right or wrong depending on culture and if society approves it or not
what is consequentialism
acts are good if they have good outcomes
what is benefits principle
those who benefit more from society should pay more
what is egoism
acts are good if they benefit me
what is utilitarianism
acts are good if they can raise sum of all human happiness (increase total utility)
what is psychological egoism
claim that self interest is what motivates people
what is ethical egoism
view that people SHOULD do what is in their self interest (invisible hand)
problems with utilitarianism
weak protection for human rights (will always be sacrificed for greater good)
what is the golden rule
do upon others as you would want others do upon you
what is kants first rule, categorical imperative
follow universal principles
what is kants second rule, practice imperative
do not treat people purely as a means
what is rule utilitarianism
obey moral rules, which if universally followed, would maximize social utility
what are ruth bennedicts opinion on morals?
‘Morality differs in every society, and is a
convenient term for socially approved habits.’ (cultural relativism)
what was adam smith’s philosphy?
invisible hand: when we pursue our own self interest, we are collectively better off
what is self defeating altruism
when we try to help others it fails because we impose our own preferences, and charity can be degrading
what was ayn rands philosphy?
egoism recognizes the value of human life, altruism requires sacrificing individual for the good of others (destroys highest value)
egoism vs altruism?
egoism - pursue self interest
altruisim - pursue good of everyone
what did bentham believe?
founder of modern utilitarianism
case for utilitarinaism?
happiness = value, and everyone should feel happy
problem with utilitarianism?
weak protection of individual rights (sacrificing someone so everyone else feels happy is considered ok)
act utilitarianism?
does the act itself follow utilitarianism principles