Lecture 5 Flashcards
Adaptive Market Hypothesis - Schoenmaker & Schramade
Efficient market hypothesis (EMH) & disadvantages
All information including ESG is already priced or irrelevant
- Over-simplificated
- Market participants change over time
- Dispersion of information is not immediate
Adaptive Market Hypothesis - Schoenmaker & Schramade
Adaptive market hypothesis (AMH)
Pricing ESG information depends on the number and quality of market participants that take ESG seriously
- Much more plausible
- Non-predictive
- Non-model, as it don’t try to explain reality and don’t set predictions that help investors to make choices
Adaptive Market Hypothesis - Schoenmaker & Schramade
Alfa-beta debate effects ESG
An active investor picks individual stocks and bonds based on such fundamental analysis
- Alpha investing: translating ESG factors to ESG fundamental analysis
Someone who believes in the EMH theory wouldn’t do that
- Beta investing: passively buys market, as it is impossible to beat market as all information is included
Adaptive Market Hypothesis - Schoenmaker & Schramade
Alfa-beta debate effects ESG
Evidence shows
- ESG alpha is empirically hard to establish, alternatives rarely beat the market
- Some negative ESG stocks outperform, but are explained by FF5F factors
- Positive ESG stocks also outperform, but are explained by “quality factors”
Pedersen - CAPM with ESG preferences
Deviate from CAPM, there are three types of rational investors
o ESG unaware = Traditional Investing
o ESG aware = SI 1.0 and 2.0
o ESG motivated = SI 2.1 3 dimensional target max(I=F+S+E)
Pedersen - CAPM with ESG preferences
E and ESG stocks: Higher demand from investors made them expensive (high valuation)
S stocks: Investors identify and buy non-sin. But they do not show better returns, because sin stocks have good returns
G stocks: Investors hardly identify them. Stocks perform well, because the firms do well and they are cheap
Berk & van Binsbergen
Effect of exclusion of sin-stock and fossils on the cost of capital of affected firms
Berk & van Binsbergen
What happens when an ESG minded investor sells it stocks?
- The new owner can control shareholder rights
- The firm faces a smaller buyer base for its financing > higher capital cost > lower growth rate (ESG result)
Berk & van Binsbergen
- Assumption 1: In the economy exist: “clean” stocks and “dirty” stocks
- Assumption 2: The investment community consists of ESG investors (own only clean stocks) and others (own all stocks minus those owned by ESG investors)
- Assumption 3: ESG investors will own a tangency portfolio of clean stocks and other investors will own a tangency portfolio of all other stocks (market portfolio)
Berk & van Binsbergen
Sin or fossil firms usually don’t need external capital, as they finance from their internal high incomes
Therefore cost of capital (share price) will not affect them
Berk & van Binsbergen
The test and conclusion
- Regress prices of FTSE USA 4Good on a dummy that represents inclusion/exclusion in the index
o No effect on the cost of capital - The impact on the cost of capital is too small to meaningfully affect real investment decisions
- Only the majority investors will turn to ESG, this will have a significant impact
- No ESG result, even if sin companies will go to market, the cost of capital won’t be affected
Berk & van Binsbergen
Can all other investors own the market portfolio?
- No, some other investors can still own the market portfolio, but not all of them
- Other investors choose the market portfolio, because it is the ideally diversified, but are forced to buy deviate
This deviation > Increase risk > Seek compensation > Better return on dirty stocks.
Berk & van Binsbergen
E(R) difference between dirty and clean stocks (dirty premium)
- Undiversification effect increases risk
- Negative correlation between dirty and clean stocks
o Lower correlation of dirty stocks moves them further away from the market portfolio
o This is unwanted as they have already an ideal portfolio, and only go away from it
Pedersen - CAPM with ESG preferences
- ESG motivated investors optimize the max Sharpe Ratio and ESG outcome, based on ESG scores
- Then, they will create an ESG-efficient frontier, based on the previous tangency portfolios
- ESG unaware will end up with a suboptimal portfolio in the ESG adjusted CAPM
- Investors with strong ESG preferences will pick a portfolio with higher ESG scores and lower Sharpe Ratios
- More ESG motivated investors > more demand > higher prices > lower return
Pedersen - CAPM with ESG preferences
Measuring ESG data
E: carbon emission per revenue
S: exclude sin stocks
G: low accrual
ESG: the MSCI ESG score