Lecture 4a - Eating disorders and Obesity Flashcards
What are the most common forms of Eating disorders?
- Anorexia nervosa
2. Bulimia nervosa
Characteristics of Anorexia and Bulimia?
- Intense and pathological fear of becoming overweight and fat
- Pursuit of thinness that is relentless and sometimes deadly
What are the characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa?
- Fear of gaining weight
2. Refusal to maintain normal weight
What are the types of Anorexia nervosa?
- Restricting type
2. Binge-eating purging type
What are the subtypes of DSM-5 Anorexia?
- Restricting subtype - limit caloric intake via diet and fasting
- Binge-eating-purging subtype
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
- Frequent episodes of binge eating
- Lack of control over eating
- Recurrent inappropriate behavior
What are the two types of Bulimia Nervosa?
1. Purging type Vomitting Laxatives Diuretics 2. Non-purging type Fasting Exercise
What is a Binge Eating disorder?
- Frequent episodes of binge eating
- Typically overweight or obese
- No compensatory weight loss behaviors
Age of Onset of Anorexia nervosa?
15-19 years old
Age of onset of Bulimia nervosa?
Women 20-24 years old
Prevalence of Eating disorders in the US?
Binge eating disorder - 3.5% women and 2% men
Anorexia nervosa - 9% women and 3% men
Bulimia - 1,5% - women and 5% men
Medical complications of Eating disorders?
Anorexia can lead to:
- Death form heart arrhythmias
- Kidney damage
- Renal failure
Non-purging type:
- Electrolytic imbalances
- Hypokalemia
- Hands, throat and teeth damage
Recovering rates for Anorexia
After 21 years 51% - fully recovered 21% partially recovered 10% not recovered 16% no longer alive
Recovering rates for Bullimia
After 11-12 years
70% in remission
Recovering rates for Binge eating
After 6 years
60% in remission