Lecture 4: Use Case Realisation Flashcards
What are use case realisations?
The model shows how analysis classes realises the behaviour specified by the use case
• Each use case has exactly one realisation
What are the 4 UC Elements?
Analysis Class Diagram
- Show the relationship of the analysis class and use case -
Interaction diagram
- Show how objects realises a use case known as “snapshots” -
Special requirements
- UC may uncover new requirements to be captured in a use case -
Use Case refinement
- Discovers new information during the realisation
What is an interaction?
- Is the behaviour between the classifier
- shows the behaviour by the use case being realised
What two interactions does the diagram capture?
What a single participant is as a interaction that represents an instance of an specific classifier - **Messages **
Communicates between lifelines
What does a lifeline contain?
- Name used in interaction
- Selector, Boolean condition
- Type of classifier
What does a lifeline looklike? What is the syntax from the textbook?
How many realisation does a use cases have?
Every ues case has only ONE use case realisation
What does a lifeline/interaction represent?
Represents a single participant in the interaction
What two ways can a asynchronous message be used?
- A process/thread SENDS‘go to sleep’
- A process defines a call back’ operation by the transport message is delivered
Name the 4 interaction diagrams
Sequence diagram
- Interacts by sending message in a time sequence
- Rich diaragm, expensive -
Communication diagram
- Relationships between lifelines
- Uses communication diagrams to make other relationships -
Interaction diagrams
- Complex behaviour is realised by a set of simplier interactions -
Time diagrams
- Uses timing aspects
What does self-delegation do?
Self-delegation is when a lifeline sends a message to itself
What does self-delegation create?
Nested activation
What are combined fragments?
- Sequence diagrams can be divided into areas called the interaction fragments
- Operands as combined fragments “groups”
What is a communication diagram?
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· Structural aspects of an interaction, how lifelines connect
What is branching?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
· <!--[endif]-->Modelled by prefixing the sequence number with a guard condition