Lecture 4: QALYs Wellbeing and Value Transfer Flashcards
What is cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)?
What is cost-utility analysis (CUA)?
What is a QALY?
How are QALYs calculated?
Draw a diagram demonstrating how QALYs can be compared
Explain what the Time Trade-Off method for QALYs is
What are the critiques of the Time trade off method for QALYs?s
What are the three methods for valuing health?
Describe the method of value of a prevented fatality?
What are the 4 strengths and weaknesses of QALYs?D
What is subjective wellbeing and a WELLBY?
How are changes to subjective wellbeing and the factors that influence them determineed?
How is the monetised life-satisfaction estimated?
What is the recommended monetary value for a 1 point change in wellbeing?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of using a subjective wellbeing approach?
What do we mean by value transfer or reference values in economics appraisal? Given esamples of approved generic values?
What are the three sets in appraising impacts on energy use and GHG emissions?
What is the UK’s approach to carbon valuation?