Lecture 4 pt. 6 Flashcards
What is Kibana?
Kibana is a browser-based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.
What is Logstash?
Logstash is a pipeline processing system that connects ‘inputs’ to ‘outputs’ with optional ‘filters’ in between.
What is Elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch is a document-oriented full-text search engine.
What does ELK stand for?
ELK stands for:
* Elasticsearch
* Logstash
* Kibana
What is Security Onion?
Security Onion is an open-source product that includes the ELK suite to provide SIEM functionality.
What are two popular proprietary SIEM systems?
Two popular proprietary SIEM systems are:
* SolarWinds Security Event Manager
* Splunk Enterprise Security
What is Squert?
Squert is a web application used to query and view event data stored in a Sguil database, such as IDS alert data.
How is Sguil pronounced?
Sguil is pronounced ‘sgweel’.
What is Sguil?
Sguil is an intuitive SIEM GUI that provides access to real-time events, session data, and raw packet captures.