Lecture 4: Personal Case Conceptualization Flashcards
What are 4 reasons why formulating is useful
- Case formulation guides treatment by helping the therapist stay on track, monitor progress and be alert when a change of direction is indicated
- Formulation increases treatment efficacy
- Formulation tailors treatment to the specific circumstances a client is facing
- Well-crafted formulation should enhance therapist empathy because it helps understand client better
What are 5 tensions in case formulations
- Immediacy vs comprehensiveness; deciding how much info is enough to formulate and determine when more info is needed and what type
- Complexity and simplicity; complexity = extent to which multiple aspects of the clients problems are integrated into a meaningful representation
- Bias and objectivity
Observation and inference;
- observation = theory-free descriptive evidence gathered by careful watching/listening
- inference = conclusion formed on the basis of observation, may logically follow from an observation or be guided by theory - Individual and general formulations; case formulation is by definition about a specific individual but prototype formulations provide useful hypotheses about causes and maintaining influences in psychological disorders
Psychotherapy case formulation
Process for developing a hypothesis about, and a plan to address, the causes/precipitants/maintaining influences of a persons psychological/interpersonal/behavioral problems in context of that individual’s culture/environment
Event formulation
Seeks to explain event/episode in treatment
Prototype formulation
Theoretical conceptualization of a certain disorder
What are 4 developments in psychology that have influenced case formulation
- Nature and classification of psychopathology; decisions about normality and abnormality
Theories of psychopathology; theoretical orientation provides framework of explanation
- psychoanalysis
- cognitive
- behavioral
- phenomenological & humanistic - Psychometric tradition; psychological testing
- Structured case formulation models; identify problems, infer maladaptive relationship transactions/concepts of self/others/world
What are 3 reasons to approach case formulation integratively
- It is widely prevalent among practicing therapists —> therapeutic mainstay
- Allows therapist to tailor therapy to individual and to draw from multiple theoretical perspectives/intervention strategies
- Most evidence shows that difference in effectiveness of therapy lies not in different kinds of theoretical approaches but in qualities shared in all forms of treatment
What are 4 characteristics that Frank identifies as accounting for effectiveness of therapy
- Emotionally charged and confiding relationship between client and clinician
- Therapeutic relationship exists in restricted and culturally sanctioned context with specific roles
- Reason for symptoms is accepted by both clinician and client
- Active participation of both client and clinician
What are the 4 main components of the integrative model of case formulation and therapy
- gather info
- formulate
- treat
- monitor progress
what 4 components belong to “formulate” in the integrative model of case formulation and therapy
- create problem list
- diagnose
- develop explanatory hypothesis
- plan treatment
Process info
How individual presents themselves
Narrative info
Descriptions of specific stories/episodes
What are 3 important points about the relationship between formulation and treatment
- Treatment plan is only a plan and will inevitably change
- Case formulation skills are distinct from those involved in conducting treatment
- Psychotherapy always involves intermingling of theory and method and an interaction between the personness of client and that of the clinician
What are the 5 most important aspects of case conceptualization
- predisposing factors; what made you vulnerable (distal)
- inducing factors; how did the problems start (proximal)
- problems; what are the current problems (present)
- maintaining factors; what mechanisms keep these problems in place (present)
- treatment considerations; what is needed to get better —> should include the personal factors of the client that might impact the therapeutic relationship and the treatment
What are 4 factors of Current Personal Context
- what are your strengths
- vulnerabilities; what makes you currently vulnerable
- support; what resources can you use
- stressors; what is currently weighing on you