Lecture 4: Methods - MRI Flashcards
Diagram of MRI image
Lecture focuses on - (2)
- how MRI image generated
- How functional MRI image (different regions of brain) is active
There is key components in MRI scanner which is - (3)
Static magnetic field
Gradient coils
Radio-frequency (RF) coils
There are 3 different gradien coils in MRI scanner , important for creating an image, which is - (3)
X,Y and Z
MRI measures the atom
The earth has a
magnetic field
M in MRI is for
Magnetic field of earth created by the
earths rotation and iron in the inner core.
The static magnet field in MRI is generated by an
large electrical coil.
Strength of the magnetic field is determined by the
amount of current following through the coil.
3 or 7 tesla magnet in MRI are
different strength of magnet and higher magnet gives better signal to noise
Most MRI scanners in hospitals is
1.5 T
Magnetic field of Earth is …. smaller than MRI magnet
50 000
Ensure homeogenity of magnetic field in MRI which is determined by
the number of turns in the coil and by the ratio of length to diameter.
We need to ensure homeogenity of magnetic field in MRI as it gives
better MRI signal
For a homegenous coil we want a long and narrow coil but not feasible as
people will get claustrophobic in scanner
The MRI is developed from the technique NMR (nucleus magnetic resonance) with N representing
All matter is composed of
Example of matter composed of atoms
Brain is made of up 75% of water atoms
The nucleus of each atom in matter contains
contains positively charged protons.
Hydrogen (mostly in the form of water) is the most and its nucleus contains… - (2)
abundant atom in the body.
Its nucleus contains a single proton.
Because the proton in a hydrogen atom has a single electrical charge that spins, it creates a corresponing
magnetic field
MRI commonly measures magnetic signals from
The R in MRI is
When (hydrogen) protons are placed in the static magnetic field of an MRI, they
resonate around the main axis of the external field
The precision field of H in a 7T magnet is
298 MTS
The frequency at which the hydrogen protons precess around main axis of external field is known as
Larmor frequency
The Larmor frequency depends on the .. - (2)
atom and the field strength
The Larmor frequency for Hydrogen is
42.58 MHz/T.
In a 3T magnet a hydrogen atom precesses about
127 million times per second
When hydrogen atoms are placed in a static magnetic field, they align to the
main axis
If RF at precession freq (see Larmor) apply perpendicular to z direction it can
knock hydrogen atoms to x and y direction
A receieve coil measure the signal we get in
x and y plane
When hydrogen atoms precess at 90 degrees to main magnetic field and transerve (or x,y plane) then
coil produces electrical current
The T2 decay is that - (2)
hydrogen atoms transerving across x and y plane together (coherent magnetic field) then spread out
Causing reduction in fMRI signal you get in x and y direction
Equal magnetic signals that point at all directions will
cancel out
T2 is important for especially
After T2 takes place, static magnetic field takes dominant and pulls hydrogen atoms in direction of static field which is
z axis
Schematic of T2 decay - (3)
- Blue - hydrogen atoms in different directions
- We still get average direction - some signal
- After time, some spread out spreading into different direction - then signal is zero
T2 delay happens in
milliseconds - quickly
T1 takes … to happen
Schematic of T1 recovery shows that
Magnetic field takes dominant and pulls hydrogen atoms to z direction
The gradient coils chages the
strength of static magnetic field in x,y and z direction
If the magnetic field was increased along the z axis (sometimes referred as B0) the RG to excite
top of the brain would be different to the bottkm
If the magnetic field was increased along the z axis (sometimes referred as B0) the RG to excite top of the brain would be different to the bottom - why?
z gradient changes magnetic field strength from top to bottom
Strength at top of brain is 3.1 T and bottom of brain is 2.9 T and strength in middle is 3
What we do in order to excite sample, we apply RF which has to be matched with precession frequency of hydrogen atoms
That precision frequnency determined by magnets
Top is fastest as compared to bottom
If we change RF we can excite different slides of brain
Once excited slice of brain along z axis we can also excite it on the
x and y axis
MR pulse sequences is sequence of
creating an MR image
MR Pulse sequences - (4)
- RF = Radio frequency pulse which is matched with particular z gradient
- Apply Z gradient coil that selects a specific slice
- Apply different levels of x and y gradient which allows spatial info along x,y, plane of that specific slice (Gx, Gy)
- We then do the measurement of measuring magneitc signal as it goes through the pip
- TE i(short)s time from RF pulse to measurement
- TR (long) is time between succession radio frequency pulses
- Can vary TE and TR to pick out different types of tissue
Different MRI pulse sequences leading to different
types of images
Different types of MRI images you can obtain - (3)
- Proton density imaging
- T1 contrast
- T2 contrast
For proton density imagining we would want in terms of TE and TR - (2)
long TR
short TE
The T1 contrast is the most image that is commonly
The T1 contrast used for ..
anatomical images of the brain
We can’t do proton density in T1 contrast as - (2)
- density of water same so signal would be the same
- Here is interested in T1 recovery
T2 contrast has long and intermediate
long TR and intermedite TE
TE gives biggest difference between
T1 and T2
T2 used most clinically as picks up … and also sued for
a lot of fluied and used in fMRI
Oncograph measures expansion of a
somatosensory cortex when the sciatic nerve from the leg was stimulated
Experiment by Roy and Sherrington in which revealed
link between blood flow and brain function
Experiment by Roy and Sherrington show
change in blood flow goes along the activity in region of somatosensory cortex
The core sources of energy we have for brain is - (2)
glucose and oxygen
Anaerobic respiration is when
glucose is only used for energy reserve
glucose not that efficient in
producing energy
Aerobic (oxygen + glucose) resp produces more ATP (34) than
anaerobic respiration (glucose)
Oxygenated haemoglobin has no
magnetic momement - dimagnetic
Haemglobin is a protein that can allows to
carry oxygen around body
Diagram of MRI signal when oxygenated vs deoxygenated
deoxygenated haemoglobin is paramagnetic and disrupt the
MRI signal
The magnetic properties of deoxyHb causes spin dephasing (loss of syncrhonisation) of
hydrogen atoms in the transverse direction.
The magnetic properties of deoxyHb causes spin dephasing of hydrogen atoms in the transverse direction.
This results in the
T2 decay being significantly shorter in the presence of deoxyHb than oxyHB (T2* decay)
If there is less oxygen in Hb then less
MRI signal
BOLD stands for
blood oxygen level dependent
When region is active in brain in MRI there is a higher concentration of
oxygenated Hb than dexoygenated Hb