Lecture 4: Linear and logistic regression Flashcards
• Gaining further insight into setting up a General Linear Model (GLM) and giving an interpretation of its parameters. • Explain for which cases linear or logistic regression is the appropriate method to answer a research question. • Explain the similarities and differences between linear rand logistic regression. • Perform these methods in SPSS, interpret the results, and report them.
What is the difference between logistic and linear regression?
Linear regression: DV needs to be continuous, IV can be nominal or continuous
Logistic regression: DV needs to be nominal while IV can be nominal or continuous
What is b0?
the expected DV at the average IV
What is b1?
the difference in the expected DV if IV increases by 1
When is centring used?
If there are a lot of values around the 0 point on the x axis. Centring is subtracting the mean from every score of a variable, so the new variable will have an average of 0-> in interpretation say average instead of 0
What is the baseline model?
It is the model without the predictor, so it is the mean model
y(i)= b0 + error(i)
What does linear regression compare?
The model with the predictor compared to the mean model
What are the linear regression steps?
- Check whether the whole model is better than the mean model using ANOVA
- If more predictors, is the extended model better than the previous model using model summary
- Interpret the individual predictors by looking at the coefficients
What are the different methods to enter multiple predictors?
Enter (confirmatory) which is always used in this course
- predictors entered all in once or in blocks (hierarchical)
- researcher determines order
Or can use stepwise (exploratory)
- predictors entered based on correlations
- SPSS determines the order
What is b2?
the difference in expected DV between the two conditions for the other predictor while the predictor remains constant
How is each model being compared?
- Model 1 and 2 compared to mean model
- Model 1 with mean model, model 2 with model 1
How to look at SPSS output?
- Check ANOVA for any significant output
- Check model summary for any significant output
How can you determine how good the model is?
By measuring the fit of the model in linear regression. R^2 is the amount of explained variance in the dependent variable by the predictors. Can interpret by % of extra variation on top of the previous model.
What are the rules of thumb for R^2?
- R2 simple regression: .01 = small, .09 = medium, .25 = large
- R2 multiple regression:.02 = small, .13 = medium, .26 = large
What is the standardized coefficient beta?
effect of predictor on dep.
variable when both predictor ánd dep. variable are standardized, and allows u to compare the different predictors in the model
How to report all aspects of the model?
Model with only one predictor was….
The model with 2 predictors and significant and better/worse
How much variation did the predictors explain
Did the predictors predict the DV while the other remains constant?