Lecture 4 Laterality Flashcards
Crude dichotomy is that _______H is rational, verbal, linear and analytic while ________H is emotional, spatial, holistic and intuitive.
Crude dichotomy is that LH is rational, verbal, linear and analytic while RH is emotional, spatial, holistic and intuitive.
Left-brainedpeoplewere said to be more:
- analytical
- logical
- detail- and fact-oriented
- numerical
- likely to think in words
Right-brained people are said to be more:
- creative
- free-thinking
- able to see the big picture
- intuitive
- likely to visualize more than think in words
Truth: Language is more localized to the left, attention more to the right, so one hemisphere may do more work, but this varies by system, rather than by person!
How many fibres in the corpus callosum
200 million
What roles does the Corpus Callosum play?
• Allocates different tasks to different hemispheres.
- In children, plays a significant role in the development of lateralization of the brain, right from infancy.
- Actively involved in the movement of eyes.
•Responsible for the spread of epilepsy seizure impulses from one hemisphere of the brain to the other.
•Possibly its most important role is to inhibit the other hemisphere from attending to a task.
What is the DSM-5 name for split personality/multiple personality disorder?
DMS-5- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- At least two distinctive and relatively enduring mental states.
- Inability to recall personal information.
- Average number of identities = 16
Split brain is a lay term for ______
The surgical operation to produce this condition is called:
- Split-brain is a lay term to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree.
- The surgical operation to produce this condition (corpus callosotomy) involves transection of the corpus callosum, and is usually a last resort to treat refractory epilepsy.
- US: approx. 5000 per year.
What happens after the brain is split?
Eachhemisphere will have its own separate perception, concepts, and impulses to act
Talk about Kim Peek
KimPeek: Born with an absent corpus callosum and both the anterior and posterior commissures.
- Was able to memorize over 9,000 books, and information from approximately 15 subject areas including world history, sports, movies, geography, actors and actresses, the Bible, literature, classical music, area codes/zip codes of the US, television stations serving these areas, and step by step directions within any major U.S. city.
- Despite these abilities, he was unable to button his shirt, and had difficulties performing everyday tasks.
- He also had developed language areas in both hemispheres, something very uncommon in split-brain patients.
•Michael Gazzaniga(godfather of modern split-brain science):
“You see a split-brain patient just doing a standard thing - you show him an image and he can’t say what it is. But he can pull that same object out of a grab-bag,” Gazzanigasays. “Your heart just races!”
4 Invasive methods of studying lateralization (splitting the brain) include:
- Commissurotomy.
- The Wada procedure.
- Brain surgery.
- Unilateral brain damage.
What is the WADA test?
Intracarotid Amobarbital Testing (WADA)
What is it?
- Also known as WADA testing (named after the person who invented it).
- A type of testing used to assess the laterality of language in people who will be undergoing brain surgery.
How is it done?
- Sodium amobarbital(a short term anesthetic) is injected into right or left integral carotid artery.
- This essentially puts the hemisphere on the same side as the artery to sleep, allowing the other hemisphere function to be assessed.
- Patient usually has the contralateral arm in the air – when the injection is administered, the arm drops. The neuropsychologist then assesses the cognitive functions of the individual.
- Hemisphere that is specialised for a particular function will perform better than the other hemisphere.
Results and limitations of WADA testing
•Has shown LH dominance for speech (although some people show bilateral or RH dominance for speech).
•Very intrusive procedure; therefore often done on brains that have experienced pathology, which may be different from neurologically normal brains.
Non-Invasive Methods: Dichotic Listening.
What is it?
What has it shown?
Dichotic listening: Presentingdifferent stimuli to each ear.
Hasshown that:
•Dichotic listening technique of presenting different nonsense syllables showed that phonetic (speech) and auditory (nonspeech) perception are processed in different parts of the brain.
Non-Invasive Methods:
Tachistoscopic Presentations: what is it? What has it shown
Tachistoscopic Presentations:
•Rapid presentation of stimuli to either the RVF or LVF.
Has shown that:
•Visual info presented to right eye is interpreted by LH and vice versa.
Challenges in Studying Lateralization
•While one side of the brain might be dominant in function, both hemispheres have some degree of competency for most functions.
- In reality normal neurological function relies on constant communication between hemispheres.
- Invasive methods of localizing function means that that these samples are neurologically impaired.
Name 3 categories of Asymmetry between hemispheres
- Structural
- Functional
- Neurochemical