Lecture 4: Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect Flashcards
What is the greenhoues effect?
Some sunlight that hits the earth is reflected, some becomes heat. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat, keeping the earth warm.
What are the greenhouse gases?
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFC (chloro fluoro carbons)
Basic elements of the global warming problem
- Emissions of greenhouse gases
- increases in the atmospheric concentration
- increase in radiative forcing
- increases in average temperature
- Changes in global climate
Stefan boltzman law:
Q max = sigma * A * T^4
Climate vs weather
Climate is the average weather conditions of a place over a long period of time
Weather is the day to day conditions of the earth’s atmosphere at a particular place and time
What fraction of the outgoin radiation form the earth is blocked by the atmosphere?
around 30% of the solar radiation is reflected by the atmosphere, 70% is absorbed.
80% of gases
drives substantial air mixing. and movements
temp lowers are you go up
strato sphere
protective ozone layer, increasing temp with altitude
Greenhouse effect:
If we were to increase the concentration of gases such as CO2
, CH4
, N2O, and H2O in the
atmosphere ➔more absorption ➔ making the atmosphere’s ratio of outgoing to incoming
transparency decline.
• In turn, the average temperature of the earth would rise, thus producing the so-called greenhouse
• The group consisting of CO2
, CH4
, N2O, etc. are collectively called greenhouse gases
Indicators of global warming
Global temperature rise warming oceans shrinking ice sheets, glacia retreat sea level rise extreme weather ocean acidification
1) Global temperature rise:
• Earth’s average surface temperature has risen about 0.9 degrees Celsius since the late
19th century, a change driven largely by increased CO2 and other anthropogenic
emissions into the atmosphere.
• Most of the warming occurred in the past 35 years
2) Warming oceans
The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700 meters
(about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since
• The warming of the oceans has widespread effects. -
→ It causes marine heat waves that kill fish and coral reefs, fuels hurricanes and
coastal downpours, spawns harmful toxin-producing algal blooms
3) Shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat
Mountain glaciers all over the world are in retreat.
4) sea level rise
• Melting ice sheets and glaciers
• Expansion of seawater with temperature increase
• Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The rate in the last two decades is
nearly double that of the last century.
5) extreme weather
Heat waves
• Drought
• Heavy downpours
→ The increase in evaporation (fairly uniform globally) implies an increase in precipitation (not
uniform), because the atmosphere can’t store water vapor indefinitely
• Floods
• Hurricanes
• Increased winter storm in Easter North America
6) ocean acidification
Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth’s oceans, caused by the uptake
of CO2
from the atmosphere.
• Seawater is slightly basic (meaning pH > 7), and ocean acidification involves a shift towards pHneutral conditions rather than a transition to acidic conditions (pH < 7).
• An estimated 30–40% of the carbon dioxide from human activity released into the atmosphere
dissolves into oceans, rivers and lakes. Some of it reacts with the water to form carbonic acid
CO2 Emissions and energy use
Most of the energy used throughout the world is in the form of fossil fuels: oil, coal and
natural gas.
• Fossil fuels supply energy for transportation and industrial processes.
• Fossil fuels account for 75 % of the world’s annual energy consumption
The lifetime of Greenhouse gases
THe atmospheric concentration of GHG will undergo an exponetial decay. THe longer the atmospheric lifetime, the slower and more gradual the depletion
stabilization scenarios
They show how atmospheric CO2 concentrations migh tbe stablilized at levels from 450 to 1000 ppmv CO2. THis process is assuemd to take 75 -400 years, and it requires a substantial reduction in anthropogenic CO2