Lecture 4. Eukaryotic Genome Organisation Flashcards
As genomes get larger, what does an increasing proportion of DNA become?
Non-coding (non protein coding) The stuff we think of as important is the minor part of the genome
What makes our genome so large?
Gene duplication: families of genes and pseudogenes with (often) co-ordinated regulation - multiple copies of genome Large introns: often containing retrotransposons Transposons: LINES (long interspersed nuclear elements), SINES (short INES), retroviruses, retrotransposons Repetitive DNA: simple sequence repeats, segmental duplications Non-repetitive DNA
What is gene duplication?
Protein-coding genes have relatives with which they share common ancestry Some genes exist in families and super-families Within a genome, families can be dispersed or clustered Maintenance of clusters implies functional co-ordination/regulation e.g. Globin genes (oxygen binding proteins coded by Globin genes)
Where did the ancestral globin gene originate from?
How were the haemoglobin and myoglobin genes formed from the ancestral globin gene?
Ancestral globin gene suplicated into two idential genes These two genes diverged due to mutations in different places (including control sequences) into the haemoglobin and myoglobin genes Haemoglobin gene underwent further duplication and divergence to sprout families of α and β subunits with different regulatory sequences (and mutational inactivation and decay - pseudogenes where not every copy works but still kept which impies some kind of function)
What are the roles of haemoglobin and myoglobin?
Haemoglobin: oxygen transporter in the blood Myoglobin: oxygen store in muscle cells
What is the structure of the α-like subunits haemaglobin?
On chromosome 16 ζ (zeta) - Ψ1 (pseudogene) - ζΨ1 - α2 - α1 (α1 and 2 are duplicated of each other)
What is the structure of the β-like subunits?
On chromosome 11 ε - γG- γA - Ψβ1 - δ - β [ε - γG- γA] = foetal [δ - β] = adult
What is the largest contributor to maternal blood (major haemoglobin)?
Tetramer made up of 2 α and 2 β subunits
What is the largest contributor to foetal blood (major haemoglobin)?
Tetramer made up of 2 α and 2 γ subunits
What happens in the process of oxygen transfer fro the maternal blood to the foetal blood?
Oxygen transfer triggers a regulated developmental switch that is developmentally controlled changes the conformation
What does developmental control allow in haemoglobins?
Developmental control allows the gradual change from foetal to adult haemoglobins –requires temporal transcriptional regulation
What is the difference between a human Huntingtin gene and a fugu Huntingtin gene?
Human Huntingtin gene has large introns containing retrotansposons whilst the Huntingtin gene in fugu has small introns and no obvious retrotransposons Human Huntingtin gene is 9x longer than the fugu equivalent
What remains the same between the human Huntingtin gene and the fugu Huntingtin gene?
Both genes have 67 exons that align in 1:1 correspondence to one another Intron positions are often conserved between species
What makes up ~50% of the human haploid genome?
High-copy repetitive elements
What makes up ~3.5% of the human haploid genome?
Highly conserved sequences
What makes up ~1.5% of the human haploid genome?
Protein exons
What is >40% of our genome composed of?
Sequences derived from retrotransposons
What are LINEs?
Long interspersed nuclear elements, generally intergenic
What are SINEs?
Short interspersed nuclear elements, often in gene-dense regions
What is the function of the LINEs and SINEs?
Gene expression regulation by affecting chromatin structure, gene transcription and pre-mRNA processing
What is the nucleosome?
The set of histones in which the DNA is coiled round solenoid-like (some definitions include the linker DNA to the next nucleosome)
How can the nucleosome core particle be dissected to release histones?
Linker DNA is digested with DNase Left with singular nucleosome core particles (11 nm thick) Placed in highly concentrated salt, dissociating the core particle into the octameric histone core and 147bp dsDNA Octameric histone core dissociates twice into eight histone subunits (per nucleosome core molecules)
What are the four histone subunits that make up the octameric histone core?
2 copies of each H2A, H2B, H3, H4
Why is it not straightforward to re-build nucleosomes?
Histones are all small basic (positively charged, rich in R and K) proteins High resolution separation requires addition of urea and acid to the gels: the histones separate according to a combination of size and charge They are often modified, appearing as doublet/triplet/smears rather than singlet proteins
Why did early attempts at crystal structures of nucleosomes give only low-resolution structures?
Because of histone modifications and uneven nucleosome spacing
What was the big clue that allowed for nucleosome recombination?
Order of addition is important Purified H3 and H4 interact to make a dimer and the dimer dimerises to make a tetramer and the tetramer can bind DNA The H3-H4 tetramer:DNA complex binds two separate H2A:H2B dimers reconstituting nucleosomes in vitro and they pack evenly during crystallisation giving a high resolution structure
How can the original 30nm fibres be reconstructed from the 11mm fibre?
Add HI (H1) (linker histone) and raise salt concentration
How is each DNA molecule packaged?
Into a mitotic chromosome that is 10,000-fold shorter than its extended length Beads on a string
How densely packed is sperm DNA?
Sperm DNA is packed even more densely, wrapped around protamines. Approx 85% protamines, 15% histones
What must happen to chromosomes to allow transcription and replication to occur?
Chromoeomes must be moved or remodelled to allow transcription and replication
What is the role of the histone ‘code’?
Regulates genetic code
What happens when some specific lysine residues (K) are modified by acetylation (Ac)?
A code for ‘relax the chromatin structure’
What are histone modifying complexes recruited by?
Gene activator proteins Chromatin remodelling complexes bind to the gene activator protein and can remodel nucleosomes, as well as remove and replace histone chaperones Histone modifying enzymes can also copy changes made to histones and spread them to other histones
Because nucleosomes are not static, what can happen to them?
They can be: removed, re-positioned, replaced or covalently modified
What does remodelling of the DNA allow?
Remodelling makes the DNA more/less accessible to further activator proteins, general transcription factors, mediator proteins and RNA polymerase II Thus histones regulate transcription
How can a gene be silenced?
Some specific lysine residues (K) and arginine residues (R) can be modified by methylation (Me) On lysyls, acetylation and methylation are competitive (inset)
What effect can methylation have on chromatin and what does this effect depend on?
Methylation can relax or compact chromatin depending on: a) which residue is methylated and b) the degree of methylation (mono-, di-, tri-)
What does phosphorylation (P) of some serine (S) and threonine (T) residues promote?
Transcription (phosphorylation is normally a relax message)
What does ubiquitylation (Ub) of some lysine (K) on H2A and H2B lead to?
On 2A recruitment sites for DNA repair, and some are activating and on H2B are repressive (closes chromatin)
What is epigenetics?
Heritable changes in gene expression that are not mediated at the DNA sequence level
What are the two ways epigenetic changes can take place?
DNA methylation and Histone modifications
How was it proven that nucleosomes are a barrier to transcription?
When chromatin is open and add general transcription factors and RNA pol to the open chromatin, it will transcribe “beads on a string” slowly with pauses (stop-start)
How is the histone code maintained during transcription?
RNA Pol II stalls at nucleosome A RNA Pol II unwinds about half of the DNA from nucleosome A - nucleosome has two coils of DNA around it The transcribed DNA is looped and starts to wind around nucleosome A, whilst unwinding continues And so on… (same nucleosome is transferred from in front of the polymerase to behind the polymerase)
In summary, what happens to nucleosomes during transcription?
Nucleosomes in the promoter region are modified/re-modelled to open the chromatin to allow access of the transcriptional apparatus Nucleosomes are transferred from downstream to upstream as transcription proceeds
What are the three structure functional elements in chromosomes?
Telomeres Replication origin Centromere
How do you identify a eukaryotic origin of replication (in yeast)?
Take a bacterial plasmid that cannot be maintained in yeast and clone into it a Yeast His gene Transform yeast and plate on media without histidine Rare integration (recombination) events where His is now expressed chromosomally Now clone random fragments of yeast into that DNA’s plasmid and transform them into yeast, some will contain origins of replication (Ars regions) allowing maintenance of plasmids
Because multiple origins of replications (Ars in yeast) are fired at different times in the S phase (some fire early whilst some fire later), what does this tell us?
There is regulated control of the origin of replication Multiple origins of replication per chromosome Our origins of replication are larger and less well-defined than those in yeast: but the replication process is the same
What happens to origins of replication during the G₁ phase of the cell division?
An origin of replication has a pre- bound complex of six proteins: ORC (origin recognition complex) 1-6. ORC remains associated throughout the cell cycle Cdc6 and Cdt1 associate with ORC Mcm helicases are recruited to form the prereplicative complex (pre-RC) In G₁, the pre-RC is formed but is not activated
What happens to origins of replication during the S phase of the cell division?
Cdk2 (cyclin dependent kinase 2) phosphorylates Cdc6 Proteasomal degradation of phosphorylated Cdc6 Phosphorylation of ORC. The RC is activated but new ones cannot form (no Cdc6) Mrm helicases open the DNA (separates the strands) allowing recruitment of primase, clamp loader and DNA polymerases
What happens to the histones during the early events of cell division?
The RNA polymerase complex unwinds the DNA, displacing the H2A-H2B dimers, but the H3-H4 tetramers remain associated (some on leading strands some on lagging strands) - both new strands inherit them
What happens to the histones during the S phase of cell division?
There is a large increase in expression of histones in S phase, and the new subunits are rapidly acetylated (to promote open structure). NAP-1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) chaperones H2A-H2B dimers and CAF-1 (chromatin assembly factor) chaperones H3-H4 tetramers assembling nucleosomes in an open chromatin structure The fresh acetylations are removed. A ‘reader-writer complex’ copies epigenetic information from neighbouring nucleosomes. Thus, daughter cells maintain parental cell histone modifications
What is methylated within DNA and what does this methylation do?
Cytosines in DNA can be methylated: methylated DNA gives a simple signal - do not express Methylated histones can recruit DNA methylases that methylate C residues Methylated DNA can recruit histone methylases: causes silencing by condensing chromatin The histone code and DNA methylation work together (histone doe changes methylation of cytokines to drive epigenetic phenomena)
What is the non-epigenetic role of SINEs?
SINEs can act as enhancers or alternative promoters: they can recruit transcription factors and promote expression of nearby genes
What is the epigenetic role of SINEs?
SINES are GC-rich and so are hotspots of DNA methylation: and this can silence nearby genes by stimulating chromatin condensation
How is the ova effected by epigenetic alterations?
Some epigenetic marks (histone and DNA) occur in the ova Part of the environmental history of the mother is inherited by her children
How is the sperm effected by epigenetic alterations?
Sperm chromatin has 15% histones, 85% protamines. The protamines are replaced with acetylated histones from the ovum’s cytoplasm and male DNA is then systematically demethylated But some male epigenetic marks remain