Lecture 4: Emotions, time and defining happiness Flashcards
What study provides some nuance to the B&B model? Explain the study and the results
Gable & Harmon-jones
- role of approach motivation, induced 2 different types of posi emo (ex: funny cats vs. delicious desserts)
- Then had people complete cognitive tasks: local vs. global processing tasks
- cat videos: high approach motivation
- delicious desserts: pleasant emotion (desire), narrowed attention
- Desire narrows attention instead of broaden
List as many positive emotions as you can (expanding list)
Joy, love, pride, contentment, interest, amusement, awe, gratitude, inspiration/elevation
What does amusement and humor research tell us about why certain stimuli is funny?
Benign violation approach
- notice conflict with expectation or “ought”
- see the conflict as non-threatening (benign)
- realize both things simultaneously and laugh
Describe “flow”, what is its “evil twin”?
Occurs when challenge and ability are matched - mostly unconscious
Not considered an emotion but a state
Discovered via subjective experience across many domains
Similar to intrinsic motivation
Junk flow - forms of absorption that we don’t actually value
Absorption without challenge (ex: t.v binging)
How is the experiencing self different from the remembering self? what is significant about this distinction?
Experiencing - in the moment/what you are experiencing right now
Remembering - when you recall back to a time and remember your emotions
When we recall our emotions we tend to rate them as more intense. We seem to forget about the low intensity, neutral, non-positive times in our lives and tend to remember only intense emotions
Define episodic and semantic memory
What is duration neglect?
Episodic - very specific instance (snapshot)
Semantic - knowledge about the self
Duration neglect - remembering self does not have the ability/does not pay attention to tell time (ex: colonoscopy study)
What is the jame’s dean effect?
People rate a wonderful life that ended abruptly as more positive than a life which included a few more mediocre years
The ending of an experience is weighted more heavily than the sum of its parts
What did the Wirtz et al. study reveal about the remembering and experiencing selves?
Remembered experience seems to be most important factor to predicting future choice
Actual experience seems to be less intense than predicted and remembered - many neutral moments are neglected in memory
What are the implications of the wirtz et al research? Limitations?
Objective experience not necessarily more useful - depending on purposes, we might want bias memory
What kind of trip to choose - length, good ending, allows you to tune in
How to structure experiences (might be worth it to “go out with a bang”)
Small, unrepresentative sample
Non-behavioral choice
What are the three components of subjective well being? How do you know if your happy?
How does PP measure these?
Positive affect
Negative affect
Life satisfaction
Typically self-report
Validity corroborated by other approaches/correlates (consider contexts and order effects on satisfaction)
How was the emotional experience of each participant measured by wirtz et al?
Experiencing self was measured using palm pilots to give an in the moment account of emotions
Remembering self was measured by self-reports that asked them to remember how they were feeling during the trip
What are the questions included on the 5 item satisfaction with life scale?
Hints: Ideal, Excellent, Satisfied, Important, Change
In most ways my life is close to ideal
The conditions of my life are excellent
I am satisfied with my life
So far I have gotten the important things I want in life
If I could live my life over I would change almost nothing
Why is eudaimonia a topic in PP?
SWB based mostly on hedonic approach, many view this as insufficient, consensus that psych health is broader tho little consensus on what eudaimonia is
What is Aristotle’s eudaimonia?
Living up to true potential - based on virtue and efforts, includes society’s values
Objective “good life” - morally good, prosocial (assessed by others at the end, skepticism about subjective experience)
Only loosely related to modern approaches
What are Ryff’s 7 factors of psych well-being?
Self-acceptance Purpose in life Environmental mastery Positive relationships with others Autonomy Personal growth
What are Huta’s motives with respects to hedonia and eudaimonia?
Hedonia - seeking relaxation, pleasure, enjoyment, fun
Eudaimonia - seeking to develop a skill, learn or gain insight into something, do what you believe in, pursue excellence or a personal ideal, use the best in yourself
What are the contents of the flourishing scale?
Hints: Purpose & meaning, contribution, competence & capability. good, respect
I lead a purposeful and meaningful life
I actively contribute to the happiness and well-being of others
I am competent and capable in the activities that are important to me
I am a good person and I live a good life
People respect me
What is the eudaimonia vs. hedonic thought experiment we did in class? why relevant?
Happiness machine - go in and be happy and unthreatened forever (Nozick)
Authenticity machine - I will hit you with a hammer (Zelenski)
Give me the hammer lol - people value things beyond feeling good, eudaimonia is often much more fulfilling
Are hedonia and eudaimonia at all compatible?
Pleasure and eudaimonia can be compatible - research suggests less tension than philosophers
How is the hedonist stereotype different from a hedonic approach to well-being?
Hedonist stereotype
- finds pleasure short-term and suffers long term consequences due to seeking immediate pleasure
(sex, drugs, rock n roll)
- Positivity is the defining feature
Hedonic approach to WB
- finds pleasure long term and is able to contemplate whether or not a particular method of pleasure is beneficial in the long run (delay gratification)
- balance of positive emotions and satisfaction over a longer period of time
- virtue, authenticity is the defining feature