Lecture 4: Challenging the Fluid Mosaic Model Flashcards
How was membrane fluidity first demonstrated?
two cells, one labelled red, one green, fused by virus and incubated, at first colours were separate but began to merge, suggesting free movement of molecules in the membrane
What do you often do to a protein targeted by GFP and what could GFP do?
Over-express it. It is a large protein so could alter the behaviour of the target protein
What does FRAP stand for?
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
How does FRAP work?
Bleach an area irreversibly with a laser. observe the bleached area over time and the recovery of the fluorescence signal. This would be due to the fluorescent, non-bleached molecules moving that area. Half height of recovery is the time for half of the fluorescence to recover.
What does FLIP stand for?
Fluorescence loss in photobleaching
How does FLIP work?
One region of the cell is continuously bleached, and the fluorescence is monitored over time. Free movement would mean fluorescent molecules move into the bleaching area so a gradual decrease in fluorescence of the cell occurs.
What are the two main observations with FRAP? What does this suggest?
1) Membrane proteins move more slowly in PM than in pure lipid bilayers
2) some membrane proteins aren’t free to diffuse to irradiated area eg integral membrane proteins fused to GFP
3) The fluid mosaic model is flawed
What are the 3 main limitations of FRAP and FLIP?
1) recovery of fluorescence after FLAP could be due to delivery of new membrane proteins by vesicular transport
2) a protein expressed as a fusion protein is usually over-expressed
3) large GFP molecule could alter behaviour
what is single particle tracking?
individual membrane proteins are labelled and followed by video microscopy
What factors affect free movement?
attachment to cytoskeleton, interaction with other proteins, extracellular matrix, lipid rafts, interaction with large protein complexes means slower movement than smaller ones
What are the 3 models for membrane organisation?
1) fluid mosaic model
2) lipid raft model
3) picket fence model
What is the fluid mosaic model?
the random diffusion of proteins and lipids
What is the lipid raft model?
Cholesterol and sphingomyelin are enriched in certain domains which are highly ordered and distinct entities in the phospholipids
What is the picket fence model?
Where has this been demonstrated?
transmembrane proteins bind underlying actin filaments and lateral diffusion is hindered by membrane associated actin network. Red blood cells
Give two examples of membranes that are kept seperated
Apical and basal side has different compositions in epithelial cells. tight junctions keep 2 domains separated
give a specific example of where the fluid mosaic model fails
Neurotransmitter receptors limited to the synaptic region
Explain the lipid raft concept
Proposed in 1997. Lipids in rafts are in liquid ordered state (Lo) and not in rafts are in liquid disordered state (Ld). Lo domains are rich in cholesterol, GPI anchored proteins, sphingolipids, saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are more fluid. See phase separation at certain temps and when Pc is 60%, SM is 20% and Chol is 20%.
What are the potential functions of lipid rafts?
Organisation of proteins, concentration for transport, signalling complexes
How are lipid rafts defined with detergent?
Treating cells with cold detergent, non-raft domains will be soluble in this as is less ordered. They can be separated and analysed
What is odd about GPI anchored proteins in detergent anlaysis?
They seem to be enriched in the cold detergent resistant fractions but aren’t observed in rafts by microscopy, could be down to limitations in microscopy.
What has atomic force microscopy been used for?
Observing thicker sphingomyelin rafts
What would proteins with longer Tm domains do?
Associate with rafts due to mismatch between hydrophobic acyl chain length
How is cholesterol depletion achieved and what are the effects of this?
With methyl-B-cyclodextrin. has effects on cell signalling
What can FRET be used for?
To see if there are different types of raft. Needs to have proteins with the same group interacting to get effects signal.
What are caveolae? what to do they form? What do they contain? Where are they found? What might they be involved in?
Deeply invaginated flasks identifiable by EM. form lipid rafts rich in cholesterol, glycosphingolipids and GPI anchored proteins. Contain caveolin structural protein, found in the cytoplasmic leaflet and might be involved in cell stretching.