Lecture 4 - Biological Backdrop of Learning Flashcards
What theoretical framework emerged around World War II
for conceptualizing human problem solving?
Information processing!!!!
any kind of signal (process) could be abstractly represented and then manipulated (whether that’s something that a computer or human is doing
Example of this: Universal Turing machines (hypothetical computer: if you can represent symbols and do basic manipulations in discrete steps then with a enough time you can do any mathematical computation and if you can do this you can solve any logic thing)
mounting evidence against behaviorism (something going on inside the head during learning -animals)
Behaviorism’s increasing shortcomings coincided with
the additional attention given to computation and human factors research during World War II.
Digital computers soon became a dominant model for how the mind may operate
British psychologist Donald Broadbent (1958) developed the first flow diagram of a cognitive process based on the design of a digital computer.
some kind of input (keystroke) and within the computer it has to interpret that info then it gives output
supposedly you could take that output and create a different kind of input
Broadbent’s ‘filter model’ of attention
signal and noise coming in, filter in the head gets rid of just enough of the noise and takes what’s left to the detector (yes that was a plane)
a very serial process
Cognitive Psychology (trying to account for internal proceses) became prominent in the late 1960s.
- Digital computers were the basic model for how information might be processed in the brain.
- Reaction time studies (mental chronometry) were a natural fit –determining how long a mental process might take (serial process: if you could time how long it took the input to get to diff stages you can break down those stages/steps in the process).
- Studying the biases and errors of the cognitive system provides clues as to how the internal ‘pieces’ fit together (give the system “bad” data, how long does it take for that to get through, where does it break? intuitive way of seeing how the system operates).
• The experimental methods of the behaviorists were still
important, but were more powerful when you were allowed to infer internal mental processes once again.
The multiplicity of approaches used for
understanding the mind eventually led to……
…..the interdisciplinary field of Cognitive Science.
The goal of Cogsci is still to…
….understand the nature of the human mind, drawing on any methods and theoretical foundations available from lots of different disciplines (philosophy, psychology, AI, neuroscience, anthropology, linguistics)
In recent years, the advent of methodologies in
cognitive neuroscience
(e.g. fMRI, EEG/ERP, TMS, etc.) have led to more detailed models.
note that we are still using
behavioral measures to infer what is happening in the mind.
we do not have direct access to mental events!!
And we still argue over how much is innate and
how much is learned…
Behaviorism rejected
any appeal to innate or ‘mental’ processes. It
thought that psychology should focus only on the study of
behaviors and outcomes.
Classical and operant conditioning
were the main methodological tools in the study of behaviorist learning.
decline of behaviorism
Failures to explain delayed responses (Tinklepaugh), spatial
learning in rats (Tolman’s cognitive maps), and unreinforced
language learning in children (Chomsky) contributed to its
Information processing and modeling
based on digital computers provided a new theoretical framework for understanding internal mental processes.
Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science re-remerged
to study mental events with the aid of tools from many disciplines.
Early Cognitive Psychology was born out of
a response to Behaviorism and still used many of its paradigms and methods.
• The focus was on explaining observable behaviors in terms of processes that (now) involved cognitive operations.
• However, not all behaviors seem to need cognitive
involvement (e.g. reflex actions and instinctual behaviors - innate).
- Also, some behaviors seem to emerge at specific periods in development (start at some time after birth -learned? or something else?).
- How can we explain these behaviors?