Lecture 4 - B cell response Flashcards
How does higher affinity for antigen receptors on B cells confer advantage?
- B cells with higher affinity receptors more likely to become cross-linked 2. B cells with higher affinity more likely to remain cross linked long enough to induce an activation signal
What constitutes the B cell antigen receptor complex?
IgM or IgD on surface associated with Iga and IgB which contain immunoreceptor tyrosin-based activation motifs (ITAMs)
How does the BCR deliver signals to activate the B cell?
Crosslinking of membrane Ig by antigen leads to clustering and activation of Src-family tyrosine kinaases aand tyrosine phosphorylation of the ITAMs in the cytoplasmic tails of the Iga and IgB which provides docking site for Syk which initiates a tyrosing phosphoyrlation cascade eventually activating transcription factors like NFAT, NF-kB and AP-1
How does complement amplify B cell repsonses?
Microbials antigens which bind the compliment fragment C3d can engage the CR2 molecule and the membrane Ig simultaneously leading to signaling cascades from both the BCR complex and the CR2 complex which includes CD19 and CD81
What effect do complement receptors have on signal threshold?
Lower the threshold since they amplify response.
What are the 3 general consequences of Ag induced B cell activation?
Mitosis/survival. Increased expression of costimulators and cytokine receptors (which mediate amplification and differentiation signals). Changes in chemokine receptors (change migratory route)
In broad terms how do helper T cells help?
Combo of cell surface receptor-ligand interactions and TH derived cytokines
What are the 3 catergories of antigens for B cell responses?
T cell independent type 1 are B cell mitogens like LPS, bind to TLRs, aren’t antigens because they don’t bind to antigen-specific receptors, B cell proliferation occurs with LPS regardless of specificit. T cell independent type II antigens can stimulate abody secretion w/o T cells, typically long, highly repetetive structures like polysaccharides. T cell dependent tend to be proteins to which B cells bind thorugh BCR but can’t effectively respond to without T cell help
What are the clinical ramifcations of type 1 TLR ligands?
Get polyclonal B cell differentiation. LPS on gram negative bacteria binds to TLR4. Bacterial DNA binds to TLR9.
What are the clinical ramifcations of type 2 BCR ligands?
Binds to outer covering of encapsulated bacteria if capsule made of polysaccharide eg streptococci species
Since polysaccharide antigens don’t effectively induce long-lived protective immunity, how can you design a vaccine against polysaccharide coated antigens?
Conjugate it to a protein
Why do induced antibodies alter their constant regions?
To allow the engagement of other effector activities without altering specificity
What changes and what stays the same during class switching?
Constant regions of heavy chains change. Variable light and heavy regions and constant light regions stay the same.
Where are the constant regions for the other isotypes located on a gene?
In exons downstream of the Cmu gene
How does activation induced deaminase promote isotype switching?
AID promotes enzyme activity between switch regions promoting excision of the DNA between switch regions and then DNA repair enzymes perform nonhomologous end joining