Lecture 4 Flashcards
Coase 1937
main reasons why it´s profitable to establish a firm is due to the cost of using the market - price mechanism
Transaction costs
search cost (discovering what the relevant prices are and comparing those to look for best offer)
go to diff. markets to get what you want (credit, labour market, raw materials/goods, transportation
negotiating & concluding a separate contract for each transaction which take place in the market
renegotiation - new action implies new terms (i.e each time a change in market/techn. conditions made profitable change in the activity undertaken)
writing the contract (lawyer - even if workers are doing the same task)
time-costly in the long-run
idyosyncratric contact may run out and thus one has to start again
Firms - Long term contracts
these are preferred for supply as they reduced the cost of making ST contracts several times owing to the risk attitude of people concerned
difficulty in forecasting makes writing the contract harder (increase cost as one has to keep rearranging the contract)
standarised contracts(reduce level of renegotiation)
lower search cots (people send applications)
generalisation of terms (open ended in terms of task,expectations) - all have the same contract
long-term - no need to renew
same contract for suppliers with st. set of rules/procedures for getting (e.g. RM) when/wherever you needed
in terms of uncertainty (diff. of forecasting) make it easier to have general terms
E-E relation contract
owner is given the authority do direct the employee by guaranteeing the later a fixed wage and certainty
but he obeys directions of the entrepeneur within certain limits (not see it as Marx - explotation)
which is stated in the contract
Criticism to Knight
sell service to market (consulting)
authority and legal RS instead of absence/present of fixed wage
better judgement doen´t necessarily imply power
no reasons for PM substitution
power/direction issues
limits to firm Coase
Dm to manager
Entrepeneur fails to place factors of production in uses where value is greatest - loss of wasted resources
supply price in organising ability increases as firm size increases - men prefer to be heads of small independent firms rather than heads of departments in large business (hierarchy)
Williamson 1937
not every transaction fits comfortably within classical contracting scheme
Asset Specificity
capital good to a narrow purpose
single function
limited uses because of some inherent restriction
little value outside the contract (hold up problem)
more important to keep trade with that customer so take place outside
Relational Contract
set up by institution (2 types)
idysincratic & recurrent - worth to set up to institution & vulnerable to post contractual opportunism because of uniqueness
set up a contract between 2 parties allocating authority
Market governance
main governance structure
non-specific transactions of both occasional and recurrent contracting
consult own experience in deciding to continue trading or not
since standarised - alternative supply/purchase arrangements are possible
standarised kind of experience
Market Failure - Williamson
difficulty in enforcing contract in the presence of uncertainty
one will know there exists a risk and behave oppotunistically one contrat have been signed and take advatage
other party may fear and thus not decide to enter thought may be happier if they did
Firms essence
solution to asset specificity and difficulty of making credible commitment not to hold up
Hold up problem
the more specific the more market power the other party would have
owner of specific asset is vulnerable to hold up (marx - alienation)
Trilateral Governance
doesn´t directly required creation of institution so do it through jurisdiction
3rd parties decide who´s right 6 who should do what in case of conflict
Limits of Firm Size
EoS isn´t only key driver for size
costs (organisation, transaction, coordination, communicate over large company)
two forces affect size in opposite directions will lead to optimal firm size (Coase)
Coase´s view
first who notice than firm isn´t merely just a function of production
focuses of transaction cost (cost of production) and coordinating cost (technical problems arising from coordinating, communicating effectively)
ignores cost of organisation (managerial cost (Agency cost, team production, managerial behaviour, incentive problems)
vertical integration
decreases supply chain of having many individual independent agent contracts (diff. suppliers) but rather reduce length and thus reduce T.C
Specialisation & cost of organisation
as firm size increases - breaking down firm in smaller will be more cheaper to run due to lower cost of organisation
(3d or additive printing vs. traditional methods)
difference Coase and Williamson
C: Firm only differs from market in terms of modes of coordination whereas W. goes deeper and say they are structurally different (governance structures)
C. doesn´t specify abut diff. types of products or opportunism
Transaction Cost Williamson
W. explains C idea in terms of governance structures depending on HAS of transaction
different mode to allocate transactions resources & deal with cost
HAS - cost
complexity increases of asset –> fewer suppliers will be able to produce it
reduce risk that external suppliers won´t be able to produce it (which can be very costly) if firm decides it to produce inside