Lecture 4 Flashcards
What is reflected solar radiation?
Passive: sun is a direct source of energy (direct reflection off of an object to sensor)
What is emitted radiation
Passive: sun is direct source
energy is absorbed into object and re-radiated towards sensor
Backscattered radiation
active: sensor provides own source of illumination
direct reflection of energy from sensor-object-sensor
Sun-synchronous Orbit
- collects data when the planet is facing the sun
- temporal factors: how frequently can it collect data?
- has a Near-Polar Orbit
Geostationary orbit
usually facing only one hemisphere; satellite rotates differently to the planet
- larger than 1000km out of atmosphere
Weather Satellites/ Sensors characteristics
- Usually Geostationary: stays on one hemisphere
**due to weather changing always
GOES: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
- orbit 36,000km
Course spatial resolution to understand weather patterns (large area)
NOAA: advanced high resolution radiometer
- sun-synchronous, near polar orbit (830-870km)
- derive vegetation data or ocean temperature
Terrestrial Sensors Characteristics
Passive radiation
- Sun-synchronous with a near polar orbit
longest running series of environmental satellites
- sensor: Thematic Mapper (TM)
Spectral resolution & Spatial resolution
Good Spectral resolution= course spatial resolution
fine spatial resolution= less spectral range
Due to how much energy reaches the sensor
Redundancy in RS
have enough and lot of information= data sets are large, what’s important
Passive, sun-synchronous
revisit time = 1 day
panchromatic @ 10m-> 1m
expensive= finer spatial resolution
moves from side to side= triangle to collect data at different angles
collect publicly available high-resolution @ 1 and 4m
high resolution= qualitative assessment
60cm panchromatic has finer spatial resolution
= low spectral resolution
46cm panchromatic
8 bands
revisit= 1.1 days, changing its viewing angle
larger data sets= costs more, more storage, more analysis/processing time