Lecture 4 Flashcards
What is the main role of the pharyngeal arches during embryonic development?
a. Formation of limbs
b. Development of the heart
c. Genesis of head and neck structures
d. Vascular system differentiation
Genesis of the head and neck structure
Which nerve is associated with the muscles derived from the 2nd pharyngeal arch?
a. Trigeminal nerve
b. Facial nerve
c. Glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Vagus nerve
Facial nerve
What does the fusion of mandibular prominences primarily contribute to?
a. Upper lip structures
b. Lower face structures
c. Nasal septum
d. Palate development
Lower facial structure
Which arch is responsible for forming the cricothyroid muscle?
a. 3rd Pharyngeal Arch
b. 4th Pharyngeal Arch
c. 5th Pharyngeal Arch
d. 6th Pharyngeal Arch
During which week does the stomodeum appear in the embryonic head?
a. 1st week
b. 2nd week
c. 3rd week
d. 4th week
4th week
Which muscles are associated with the 3rd Pharyngeal Arch?
a. Muscles of facial expression
b. Stylopharyngeus and superior half of pharyngeal constrictors
c. Intrinsic muscles of the larynx
d. Mastication muscles
Stylopharyngeus and superior half of pharyngeal constrictors
What is the role of the cervical sinus in pharyngeal arch development?
a. Formation of head muscles
b. Connection between 2nd and 4th arches
c. Elimination of arch structures
d. Development of blood vessels
Connection between 2nd and 4th arches
Which nerve is associated with the 3rd pharyngeal arch?
a. Facial nerve
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve
c. Vagus nerve
d. Trigeminal nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
What structures derive from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
a. Stapes, styloid process, and hyoid bone
b. Malleus, incus, and mandible
c. Lesser horns and upper portion of the body of the hyoid bone
d. Stylopharyngeus and pharyngeal constrictors
Malleus, incus, and mandible
Which pharyngeal arch contributes to the formation of laryngeal cartilages?
a. 1st Pharyngeal Arch
b. 4th Pharyngeal Arch
c. 6th Pharyngeal Arch
d. 2nd Pharyngeal Arch
Which ligament is associated with the 2nd pharyngeal arch?
a. Sphenomandibular ligament
b. Stylohyoid ligament
c. Stylopharyngeus ligament
d. Stapedius ligament
Stylohyoid ligament
The 5th week of development involves the growth and fusion of which facial prominences?
a. Frontonasal prominence
b. Maxillary prominences
c. Mandibular prominences
d. Nasal prominences
What structures are formed by the medial nasal processes during development?
a. Nasal dorsum and incisive bone
b. Nasolacrimal groove and optic placode
c. Middle portion of the upper lip and anterior portion of the nasal septum
d. Zygomatic bone and lacrimal bone
Middle portion of upper lip
Anterior portion of the nasal septum
The palate is formed by the fusion of which structures?
a. Palatine processes, nasal septum, and primary palate
b. Medial nasal processes and lateral nasal processes
c. Maxillary prominences and mandibular prominences
d. Nasal placodes and nasal sacs
Palatine processes, nasal septum, and primary palate
What marks the end of the 4th week of embryo head development?
a. Formation of facial prominences
b. Formation of stomodeum
c. Reabsorption of oropharyngeal membrane
d. Fusion of pharyngeal arches
Re absorption
Which bone is associated with the 1st pharyngeal arch?
a) Stapes
b) Malleus
c) Hyoid bone
d) Incus
Malleus and incus
What ligament is formed by the 2nd pharyngeal arch?
a) Sphenomandibular ligament
b) Anterior ligament of malleus
c) Stylohyoid ligament
d) Greater horn ligament
Stylohyoid ligament
Which muscle is associated with the 3rd pharyngeal arch?
a) Stylopharyngeus
b) Pharyngeal constrictors
c) Superior half of digastric
d) Mylohyoid
Stylopharyngeus and phyrangeal
The 4th pharyngeal arch is related to:
a) Stapedius muscle
b) Cricothyroid muscle
c) Stylohyoid muscle
d) Anterior belly of digastric
Cricothyroid muscle
The 6th pharyngeal arch contributes to the development of:
a) Incus
b) Epiglottis
c) Laryngeal cartilages
d) Hyoid bone
Laryngeal cartilage