Lecture 4 Flashcards
International money system
system of institutions and mechanisms to foster international trade, manage flow of financial capital, determine currency and exchange rates
Currency exchange markets
electronic markets where banks and institutional trader buy and sell currencies
Currency exchange rate
value of one currency relative to another
Direct quotation method
amount of a home country currency needed to purchase one unit of foreign currency
Indirect quotation method
number of units of foreign currency needed to purchase one unit of home country currency
Exchange rate conversion equation
IQ= 1/DQ
Spot exchange rate
current rate quotes for delivery of currency on the spot
Currency appreciation
increase in currency’s value
Currency depreciation
decrease in currency’s value
Change in foreign currency equation
%FC = SR(t) - SR(t-1) / SR(t-1) x 100
Equilibrium exchange rate
currency exchange rate where supply and demand for a currency are in balance
Purchasing Power Parity
currency of country with lower inflation rate will appreciate relative to currency of country with higher inflation rate
Simplified PPP equation
%FC - InfR(hc) - InfR(fc)
Accurate PPP equation
%FC = [(1 + InfR(hc)) / (1 + InfR(fc)] - 1
International fisher effect
currency of country with lower nominal interest rate will have currency appreciate relative to country with higher interest rate
IFE equation
%FC = (1 + IntR(hc) / 1 + IntR (fc) ) - 1
Political risk
risk that national government may confiscate assets held by foreigners, low risk = strongr currency
Economic risk
risk of slow or negative economic growth, higher economic growth = stronger currency
the nearly simultaneous purchasing of commodities, securities or currencies in a market then selling them where the price is higher