Lecture 4 Flashcards
5 steps from reality to computer model
- reality
- info/conceptual model
- rep or data model
- databases
- file structures
5 characteristics of the object-view of the world
- collection of well-defined, discrete, spatially ref obj
- well defined boundaries
- entire geographic space not occupied, only obj
- obj identified and described thru attribute table
- time changes rep as obj location, shape, and attribute changes
5 characteristics of field-view of the world
- events vary cont across geog space
- fuzzy boundaries
- geog space is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive
- each space partition rep by a category/value
- time changes rep a snapchot of cell changes
geometry (2)
- allows us to describe the shape/size of obj relative to each other in geog space
- descr prop of multi-dimensional space
topology for vector model
studying prop of obj that do not change as the obj is distorted - gives connectedness
raster model is good for (4)
- natural world (eg. forest change, landslide modeling)
- cont data
- spatial variability
- data derived from remote sensing
vector model is good for (4)
- human world (eg. routing problems, census)
- discrete data w/ definite boundaries
- best for graphic output
- network analysis
define rastor and vector using sinton framework
vector: time - controlled; space - measured; attribute - fixed
raster: time - controlled; space - fixed; attribute - measured
reference map
measures distance, area, direction, height, etc (eg topographic map)
hematic map
spatial distr of a single attribute (eg. land use map)
info is
interpreted/derived data
geog varis can be __ or __ AND __ or ___
qualitative (labels, categ) or quantitative (#s)
discrete (earthquake) or continuous (temp)
simple chloropleth map
visualize tabular stats and compare mags
classless chloropleth map
ratio-scale portrayal of the attribute value and rep a clear pic of the existing complexity of the geog space