Lecture 38 & 41 - Intro to Anti-Microbials + Cell Envelope Anti-Microbials Flashcards
Name the 2 Folate Anti-Metabolites
Common Agent
Common Agent: Sulfamethoxazol
Mechanism: Analogous structure to PABA.
Inhibition of Dihydropteroate Synthetase
Inhibition of DIhydrofolate Reductase
Bacteriostatic when used alone
- What is it?
- Spectrum/Clinical uses?
- Is it bacterostatic or bacterocidal
Combination of Trimpethoprime + Sulfamethoxazole (1:5 ratio)
-GN (but NOT pseudomonas)
- GP: Staphylococci;
Most Enterococci are resistant
Uses: UTI, GI, Respiratory
Bactericidal with Excellent Bioavailbility
TMP-SMX: Adverse Events
Drug interactions
- All abx: alteration of the micro-biota
- Common: Rash, Nausea, Vom, HA
Uncommon: Hyperkalemia, hepatitis, pancreatitis
Rare: Steven’s Johnson, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopoenia,
Drug Interxn: Displaces warfarin and Pehytoi from Albumin
Name the Classes of abx that are “DNA inhibitors”
- Quinolones, Fluoroquinolones
- Nitrofurantoin
Quinolones, Fluoroquinolones:
- Common Agents and their Mechanisms
- Adverse Effects
- Bactericidal or Static?
- Resistance Mechanisms for Quinolones
Common Agents:
Ciprofloxacin - DNA Gyrase (topoisomerase II) inhibitor
- Topo II and Topo IV Inhibitor
Stabilization of the Double Stranded DNA breaks – leading to chromosomal fragmentation
Adverse Effects: Overall quite well tolerated
- Common: N, V, abd, HA, dizziness
- Serious: Prolonged QT Syndrome
Mutation to the Target: GryA, ParC
Plasmids, Efflux pumps
Ciprofloxacin: Spectrum and Clinical uses
Moxifloxacin: Spectrum
Cipro Spectrum: GN, Atypicals
Clinical uses: UTIs
Moxi: GN, GP, anaerobic, atypicals
Poor penetration to the GU tract
Nitrofurantoin -
Clinical Uses:
Adverse Effects:
Mechanism: Unknown damage to the DNA; also binds RNA and interfers with Translation
Clinical Uses: Exclusively Used for UTIs
Adverse Effects: Nausea, Pulmonary Fibrosis with prolonged use
What abx are considered RNA inhbitors?
Rifamycins: Rifampin, Rifabutin, Rifaximin
Rifamycins -
Bacteriostatic or Cidal?
Adverse Effects?
Mechanism: Inhibition of RNA Polymerase
GI: N, V, D, abd pain
Heme: Thrombocytopenia, anemia, hepatitis
Spectrum In General:
Clinical Uses
What is different about Rifaximin
General: Broad Spectrum
- GP, GN, Mycobacterial
Clinical uses: Prophylaxis for N. meningitis, S. Aureus
Rifaximin: Not absorbed; only used GI (enteric) infections
Clinical uses: Traveler’s diarrhea
Fidaxomicin: Mechanism Adverse Effects What's unique about it? Spectrum Clinical uses
Mechanism: Blocks RNA polymerase; prevents formation of DNA complex
Adverse effects: None
Unique: Non-absorbed;
Spectrum: C. DIff Only; No GNs
Clinical use: Use for C. Diff. Only if relapse after Vanc therapy
What Abx Classes Attack the Cell-Envelope?
Beta Lactams: PCN and derivatives, Cephalosporins, Carbapenams, Monobactams
Cyclic Lipopeptides
Other (Polymyxins, bacitracin, fosfomycin)
What is the General mechanism of Beta Lactam Agents
B-lactam ring
Resembles peptide
Mimics terminal D-ala-D-ala of peptidoglycan monomer (pentapeptide)
Penicillin binds to transpeptidases (PBPs) of bacterial cell – now these enzymes not available to from stabilizing cross-links
· Autolysins still break up cell wall – continual remodeling
· Weaker and weaker cell wall
Eventually leads to cell lysis from osmotic pressure – death
Mechanisms of Resistance Against Beta Lactam Agents?
B-lactamases (inactivate it and break it)
· Enzymes that hydrolyze the beta-lactam ring
Penicillinases, cephalosporinases, carbepenemases
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)
Modified PBP’s
- MRSA, encoded by mecA gene
Decreased permeability/porins · Avoid it – don’t let it in Efflux pumps (MDR) · Avoid it – pump it out