Lecture 35: Cell Signaling II Flashcards
Enzyme-linked cell surface receptor features
- Ligand binding activates intrinsic enzymatic activity
- Very high affinity (endocrine, paracrine)
- Termination by receptor-mediated endocytosis
- RTKs, receptor Ser/Thr kinases
Receptor Tyr Kinase (RTK) process
- Ligand binding → dimerization and kinase activation
- Auto-cross-phosphorylation of Tyr residues (active)
- Binding/activation of signaling proteins (effector, adaptor, coupling)
- Cascade initiation
MAP Kinase cascade
- Auto-Pi → adaptor binds
- Adaptor binds Ras activating protein (GEF)
- RasAP activates RAS by GEF activity
- Active Ras triggers MAP Kinases cascade (Ser/Thr, Thr/Tyr, Ser/Thr)
- MAP kinase Pi’s effector proteins and many other things
- Changes in gene expression + cytosolic/membrane protein activities
Receptor Ser/Thr kinase mechanism
2 homodimers (Type I/II) form active tetramer
1. Auto-Pi of constitutively active Type II kinase
2. Ligand binds Type I + II
3. Trans-Pi of Ser/Thr activates Type I dimer
4. SMAD binds + gets Pi from Type I → unfolding + activation
5. SMAD dissociates and dimerizes w/ other subtype
6. Exposure of nuclear localization signal → nuclear translocation
Cytokine receptor features
- Ligand binding → assoc. + activation of cytoplasmic enzymes, esp. Tyr kinases
- No intrinsic enzyme activity on receptor
- Paracrine/autocrine
- Terminate by receptor mediated endocytosis and protein phosphatases
JAK/STAT pathway (cytokine receptor)
- Cytokine ligand binding → subunit association
- JAK activation → cross-Pi → subunit Pi
- STATs bind
- Pi + activation of STATs
- STAT dissociation + dimerization → NLS exposure and nuclear translocation
How does Ebola block the JAK/STAT IFN gamma pathway?
Ebola vp24 competes w/ STAT1 dimer for importin (importin responsible for nuclear translocation via Nup), suppressing activation of innate antiviral immunity.
JAK = Janus Kinase
STAT = Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription
Example of cytokine receptor
Receptor overview
Classes of 2nd messengers
Intracellular signals
1. Ions e.g. Ca2+
2. H2O soluble e.g. cAMP, cGMP, IP3
3. Membrane-assoc. e.g. DAG, arachidonic acid
Ca2+ as a 2nd messenger
Ca2+ is simply moved around/out of cell (not made/destroyed); local [Ca2+] = detected signal. Balance of Ca-ON and Ca-OFF mechanisms.
Low Ca indicates a quiescent cell.
Ca-OFF mechanisms
Mechanisms that remove Ca2+, lowering local concentration
1. Plasma membrane pumps (NCX exchanger, PMCATPase)
2. Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum pumps (SERCA pumps)
Na+/Ca++ exchanger (NCX)
Exchanges Na+ downhill into cell for Ca++ uphill out of cell. Has low Ca++ affinity but high transport rate; bulk transport role.
Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase (PMCA)
Has high Ca++ affinity but low transport rate; fine tuning of Ca++ concentration.
Ca-ON mechanisms
Increase Ca concentration
1. Ligand/voltage gated ion channels (plasma membrane)
2. Ryanodine Receptor RyR (SR)
3. IP3 receptor (ER)
RyR/Ip3 examples of Ca-induced Ca release
Cyclic nucleotide 2nd messengers
H2O soluble, made and destroyed e.g. cAMP, cGMP
cAMP generation
Adenylate cyclase = plasma membrane enzyme w/ 2 catalytic domains. Activation by GPCR G protein aligns domains and increases cAMP production 100X from ATP
cAMP destruction
cAMP phosphodiesterase converts cAMP to AMP
cAMP activation of PKA
Primary effector mechanism for cAMP. PKA activation separates catalytic subunits from regulatory subunits, allowing nuclear translocation and Pi of CREBs to alter gene expression
cAMP Response Element Binding Protein. Alter gene expression in response to phosphorylation by PKA, which is activated by cAMP
cAMP level regulation
GPCR I and II bind different ligands and have opposed stimulatory/inhibitory activity. Balance of these determines cAMP levels and thus activation profile
How does cholera toxin affect cAMP?
Attaches an ADP ribose to G-stimulatory α subunit preventing GTPase activity; increased cAMP leads to excessive water loss
How does pertussis toxin affect cAMP?
Attaches ADP ribose to G-inhibitory α subunit preventing G-i activation; increased cAMP alters hormone activity via PKA (high insulin/histamine sensitivity) leading to low glucose/BP
cGMP generation/destruction
Guanylate cyclase generates cGMP from GTP
cGMP phosphodiesterase turns cGMP to GMP (has negative feedback)
NO stimulation of cGMP production
- NO ligand binds soluble guanylate cyclase heme iron
- αβ catalytic domains align leading to greatly increased cGMP production mainly activating PKG
Hormonal stimulation of cGMP production
Hormones (e.g. ANP) bind Membrane-Assoc. Guanylate Cyclase; enzyme-linked receptor.
Phospholipid derivatives as 2nd messengers
Derivatives of membrane phospholipids can act as 2nd messengers, e.g. IP3, DAG, arachidonic acid, PIP3