Lecture 34 - Cervical and vulval pathology Flashcards
Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
Anal Intraepithelial neoplasia
Earliest morphological manifestation of multistage process of neoplasia
In-situ disease ; non-invasive
Shows cytological features of malignancy, but no invasion
No invasion = no metastasis = curable
If left, significant chance of developing invasive malignancy
Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs)
- Double standard DNA viruses
- 7.9kb circular genome, 7 ‘early genes’, 2 ‘late’ genes
- > 100 subtypes, based on DNA sequence
- Different types affect different tissues
- Lifecycle linked to epithelial differentiation
- Genital HPVs grouped into low and high oncogenic rislk
HPV risk groups - Low risk
Associated with genital warts and other low-grade cytological abnormalities: 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 53, 54, 61, 72, 73 and 81
6, 11 - linked with genital warts - most common
High risk HPV groups
High-risk subtypes associated with high-grade pre-invasive and invasive disease are 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52
99,7% of cervical cancers contain HPV DNA
Types 16, 18 associated with - 70% OF CERVICAL CANCERS
Low risk HPV
6, 11 - lower genital tract warts (condylomas= benign squamous neoplasms), low grade ‘IN’s’
Very rare in malignant lesions
High risk HPV
16, 18, 31, 33
High grade Intraepithelial Neoplasia’s and Invasive carcinomas
Human Papilloma Virus vaccinations
2 vaccines
Gardasil (Merck) HPV - 6,11,16,18
cervarix (MSK) HPV - 16,18
uk vaccinations started in sep 2008 - cervarix
Age 12 -13 with catch-up to 18
Switch to Gardasil Sep 2012
Mode of action of High risk HPV
early genes expressed at onset of infection which
control viral replication
oncogenic viruses - involved in cell transformation
Late genes code capsid proteins
High risk HPV’s integrate into host chromosomes
Upregulates E6, E7 expression
E6 binds to and inactivates p53
E7 binds to RB1 gene product
p53 mediates apoptosis in response to DNA damage - accumulation of genetic damage
RB1 is tumour suppressor gene
Controls G1/S checkpoint in cell cycle - dysregulation of cell proliferation
What does E6 expression do
E6 binds to and inactivates p53
What does E7 binds to RB1 gene product
E7 binds to RB1 gene product
What does p53 do and what does inactivation do?
Mediates apoptosis in response to DNA damage - accumulation of genetic damage
What does RB1 do and what does inactivation do?
is a tumour suppressor gene
controls G1/S checkpoint in cell cycle - dysregulation of cell proliferation
Classical/ warty/ baseloid VIN
graded VIN 1-3
Related to HPV
Younger people
Differentiated VPN
not graded
not HPV related
Occurs in chronic dermatoses esp. lichen sclerosis
Older people