Lecture 3 - Structure of Government in Canada Flashcards
Who provides the cabinet with policy expertise? Who lacks expertise?
The bureaucrats; MP’s (majority in the commons of the same party supporting the cabinet)
What is “the legal skeleton” and the “muscles & tendons”?
Acts/statutes that are passed by parliament are “general” in nature. Acts delegate to Cabinet the authority to make specific regulations (based on more general acts).
Acts/Statutes are…and regulations are…
Somewhat general…and detailed, specific
What are the 5 steps in becoming a Cabinet Minister? Which one is the easy step?
- Join a political Party (easy)
- Win nomination of party, become candidate for that party in a riding
- Win election (elected by the voting public
- You are now an elected MP!
- IF your party forms Government, the PM (your party leader) MAY choose you to join the cabinet.
The PM is who in your governing party?
What years was the government a minority?
2004-2011 otherwise it is usually a majority
How does the PM ensure that the Gov. party MP’s will support the PM and cabinet policies?
Strict party discipline
Who decides who shall serve in the Cabinet?
The PM
What does the PM do?
Chairs Cabinet meetings; set Cabinet agenda; determines when Cabinet reaches consensus
If the PM has an image of a “winning politician”…how does this help with his power?
Enhances his political power because “you can’t argue with success!”
Who does the PM have as policy advisers? How do they help with his/her power?
The PM has a large number of expert bureaucrats as his policy advisers. “Information is power”
The PM is assisted by key officials in…
PMO and PCO (which stand for what?)
List examples of Politicians…
- PM
- Cabinet Ministers
- Leaders of opposition parties
- Other members of Parliament (MP’s)
- Provincial equivalents of above positions
- Senators (even though they are not elected)
List examples of Senior Bureaucrats…
- Senior policy advisers to PM & entire cabinet (in PMO & PCO)
- Deputy ministers of Gov. departments
- Other senior policy advisors to individual cabinet ministers
- Senior Gov. administrators
Differences between Senior Bureaucrats & Politicians…
Politicians - elected by voters, chosen by popularity of person/party, shorter term outlook, generalist knowledge, seek media publicity, responsible to commons & voters, partisan
Senior Bureaucrats - appointed, chosen by merit (technical expertise), longer term outlook, specialist/expert, avoid publicity, responsible to PM (especially) & Cabinet, non-partisan
Describe relationship between cabinet minister and his/her senior bureaucrats in Video?
expertise, manipulative
Relations between partisan political advisors and bureaucrats?
no respect for political advisors, bureaucrats are status quo oriented, advisors come in and “whisper” in cabinet’s ear and deputy doesn’t like that.
Why does the cabinet need advisors?
Cabinet has too much work so they pass small things off to advisors like emails, speeches etc.
What is the dual system?
Bureaucrat decision making and policy decision making.
What is the difference between political aides and civil servants?
age (Aides are extremely young, new to the game, under 30, don’t know much about gov., type A, politics, winning, biased so can’t be in gov., help political party. Civil servants are older, policy experts, “do the right thing”, involved in gov.
Differences between cabinet ministers and civil servants?
CM are elected by PM, implement ideas that align with party, technical side. Civil servants are experts, recruited,close with cabinet, controls future of servants, communicate with PCO