Lecture 3, Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function Flashcards
Muscle Function
the ability to move is essential for basic survival:
* to obtain energy
◦ hunt for food
◦ eat and digest food
* run from predators
* to pump blood through the body and allow for breathing (muscles to control breathing allowing for respiration)
* keep warm in the winter
◦ thermogenesis (the generation of heat)
◦ muscles help produce heat
* to communicate with others
◦ sign language, body language, texting etc.
* there are several muscles that control the movement from the mouth down
* collect nutrients from the air into our bodies
Types of Muscle (muscle cells)
- muscle tissue makes up a large proportion of body weight (~40% in males, 32% in females)
- cardiac and smooth muscle, combined, make up around 10% of body weight
-> cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle (details)
Muscle Properties
muscle has four defining properties (plus a bonus 5th property)
1. electrical excitability - ability to respond to (electrical) stimuli, and to conduct electrical impulses along the tissue
2. contractility - ability to contract/shorten
A. this property is what allows for the generation of force, and the production of movement
B. contractions occurs in response to electrical impulses
3. extensibility - ability to be stretched without being damaged (eg. tearing)
4. elasticity - ability to return to its original length and shape after being stretched or after a contraction
5. * adaptability - ability to change in response to how it is used
Supporting Structures - Fascia
fascia is sheet/band of fibrous connective tissue that lies deep to the skin, and surrounds muscle and other organs of the body
superficial fascia (sub-cutaneous)
- separates skin from muscle
- contains adipose tissue (fat), nerves, blood vessels and lymph vessels
- purpose: insulation and physical protection
deep fascia (lies within the muscles)
- holds similar muscles together
- occupies space between muscles
- contains nerves and blood vessels
Supporting structure - extension of deep fascia
each skeletal muscle is a separate organ composed of hundreds to thousands of muscle cells (they may have similar functions but are all separate organs)
* muscle cell = muscle fiber
* called muscle fiber because of their elongated shape (thin but elongated)
* muscle fibers lie in parallel to one another to make up the muscle
one muscle fiber can be 10-100 micro metres in diameter, and up to 2.5 feet in length
* fibers can extend the entire length of the muscle
* fiber can be as long as your thigh
endomysium, perimysium and epimysium
deep fascial tissues have layered extensions that serve to further protect and strengthen the muscle:
endomysium: thin layer of areolar connective tissue that covers individuals muscle fibers
perimysium: a fibrous layer surrounding groups of muscle fibers to form a fascicle
* fascicle: a group of 10-100 fibers (there are little passage ways that give signal to the brain in order for it to contract)
* contains collagen and elastin fibers, blood vessels and nerves
epimysium: a dense layer of collagen fibers that covers the entire muscle
* separates the muscle from the surrounding tissues and organs
* protects it from abrasion and physical damage
Supporting Structure - CT components
tendons attach muscle to bone. ligaments attach bone to bone
aponeurosis: a flat extension of a tendon
* all 3 come together to form a tendon
* fascia to tendon to bone
* tendons help with transmission of force
* aponeurosis is flat extension of a tendon (transmitted across a whole sheath to a larger area)
* tendon become continous with the matrix of the bone when they attach (become one)
◦ if you pull a tendon, a part of the bone may come off with it
Hierarchical Structure of Muscle
skeletal muscle -> fascicle -> muscle fiber (cells) -> myofibrils
each muscle fiber contains 100s-1000s or organelles called myofibrils
* allow for muscle contraction
* have the ability to shorten , thereby providing the mechanism for muscles to contract and produce force
Sarcolemma, SR
homologous structures in muscle cells:
- plasma membrane = sarcolemma (plasma membrane is the outside of the cell)
◦ “sarc” = greek for “flesh”
- cytosol (intra-cellular fluid) = sarcoplasm
endoplasmic reticulum = sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
the sarcolemma forms structures known as Transverse tubules or T tubules
- T tubules are continuous with the sarcolemma (circle myafilaments)
- electral signal to T tubules (continous with sarcolemma) allows for release of calcium which allows for contraction
SR forms a sleeve-like network around each myofibril
- terminal cisternae are enlarged regions on either end of the SR segment, framing the T tubules
- serve as a storage site for Ca2+
Myofibril - actin and myosin
- each myofibril is 2 micro metres in diameter, and extends the entire length of the muscle (can be 7m in length)
- myofibrils have the ability to shorten in length, which is what allows muscles to contract
◦ this is done by the action of filaments within the myofibril
actin (titin) filaments are 8nm in diameter and 1-2 micro metres long
myosin (thick) filaments are 16nm in diameter, and 1-2 micro metres long - filaments are arranged in functional contractile units known as sarcomeres
- movements of the filaments within the myofibrils allow for muscle to contract
- thin filaments mainly contain actin, thick ones are mainly composed of protein myosin
- shortening or lengthening within sarcomere allowing muscle to contract (all along the length of myofibril )
Actin Filaments
- thin filaments primarily consist of the protein Actin, but also contains the supporting regulatory proteins Troponin and Tropomyosin
- actin is a globular protein (each circle is one protein) that coordinates with several other actin molecules to create two, intertwined helical chains
- each individual actin molecule contains a binding site for myosin
Myosin Filaments
- thick filaments primarily consist of the protein Myosin, which are made up of two polypeptide “heavy” chains and four polypeptide “light” chains
- myosin forms two globular heads that serve as binding sites to the neighbouring actin filaments
- the binding of actin to the myosin tails results in the formation of a cross-bridge
Cellular Structure - The Sarcomere
Sarcomere: the contractile unit of skeletal muscle - give striated appearance to muscle
* the region between Z disks
* a “chain” of several consecutive sarcomeres make up the myofibril
the actin and myosin filaments are arranged in a specific, ordered fashion to create the striated (striped) appearance
The Sarcomere - Bands and Disks
A Band: the zone covering the length of the myosin filaments - forms band of stacked ligaments
* A stands for anisotrophy (like looking at a glass surface with polarized sunglasses - change in iridescence depending on the angle of your view
I Band: the zone covering the thin (actin) filaments only
* I stands for isotropic
H Zone: the light area in the middle of the A band where the thin filaments do not reach
* consists only of myosin filaments
M Line: runs down the middle of H zone
* consists of proteins that hold the thick filaments in place in their vertical stack
Z disk: the middle of I band
* contains proteins that connect thin filaments together and keep them in their vertical position
The Sarcomere - region and zone of overlap
a sarcomere is the region between Z-disks = 1 A-band + 1/2 I-band on each side
zone of overlap: where actin and myosin filaments actually overlap each other
* is a part of the A band
* as the muscle contracts, the two Z lines come together and the zone of overlap gets larger
Skeletal Muscle Structure of Sarcomere
consecutive sarcomeres allow for the appearance of striation (striping pattern)
* A band is the darker stripe
* I band is the lighter stripe (only actin so appears less dense as it is thin)
striations are perpendicular to the orientation of the muscle fiber
also not the presence of multiple nuclei within each muscle fiber
Sarcomere - 3D Organization
the sarcomere is a 3-dimensional structure
* actin filaments are arranged in a hexagon orientation around each myosin filament
* every myosin (thick - red) filament is surrounded by six actin (thin) filaments
* every actin filament is surrounded by three myosin filaments