Lecture 3: risks Urbancitiy, SES, Ethnicity and Trauma Flashcards
What did Varese et al (2012) do?
a meta-analysis of:
18 case-control studies = 2.72 more likely to have been exposed to childhood adversity
10 prospective and quasi-prospective studies = 2.99
8 population-based cross-sectional studies = 2.75
population attributable risk = 33%
Kirkbridge et al (2006)
Epidemiological study of ___
Recruited all individuals aged 16-65 who presented to psychiatric service with ___
Incidence rates = London —.-
Nottingham -.-
Bristol -.-
Also found what about men
And _ variation in SE London
Fep Fep 20.1 7.7 7.2
Sch greater in men
9x variation in SE London
Why did Kirkbridge et al 2006 find their findings?
Urban environment more stressful more poverty
Faris & Durham (1939)
Proposed what?
How did pederson and mortensen (2001) support this?
I’ll people drift towards city
Survey 2mill Danish
Found dose dependent relationship n how long in inner city and psychosis rates
However can Os et al (2000) in NEMESIS study found….
Same association in subclinical population refuting the concept of a drift
> 25000 people (urban) there i 2.74% of DSM psychosis
John’s et al (2004) support factor
Living in city correlated with PSQ in general population
But urbanicity is highly confounded with
Wicks et al (2010)
Increased risk for psychosis found in adoptees in disadvantaged position
Parental unemployment = 2
Single parent household = 1.2
Living in apartment = 1.3
Genetic liability alone =4.7
Amoung disadvantaged SES and GL
HZ=15 for unemployed
HZ=10.3 sph
HZ=5.7 Apartment living
Fearon et al (2006)
addtional factors may be operating in AC (5)
adjustment for these factors modestly ______ risk
incidence of SCh
- 1 in AC
- 8 African
additional risk factors may be operating in african carribeans (unempolyment, lone parent status, lower social class, lower percieved soical support, poverty)
Veling et al (2007)
Zolkowska et al (2001)
suinamese and morocan in holland
east addicans in sweeden
Those in white neighbourhoods are particualy afftected dependet on percieved discrimination
Norman (2012)
LT health consequences of chidlnd phsycial abse emotional abuse and neglect
causal realtionship between non-sex chidl malteremnt and range of MHDs, drug use, sucide attempts STIs and risky sex behaviour