Lecture 3 (pres 2 starting slide 105, thru pres 3) Flashcards
what is the order of variability in unique hues from LEAST to MOST variability? Give answer in terms of 4 colors
LEAST variability: yellow–>blue–>red–>green: MOST variability
you’re awesome.
thank you.
T/F: the axes of the unique hues fall on the cardinal axes after the LGN
FALSE. Cardinal axis is where you have the MAX activation of the cone-opponent cells, unique hues are NOT on those lines after the LGN (they ARE before)
Which of the four unique colors is NOT a spectral color (i.e., does NOT fall on the perimeter of the color space?)
unique RED - it’s not monochromatic. Why? Because it falls on the line of PURPLES
What technique was used to derive unique hues? By doing what?
hue CANCELLATION - rotation of the cardinal axes to match the axes of the unique hues.
-Note: will NOT get unique red by doing this - it’s NOT monochromatic!!
Are the cardinal axes different between humans? What about the unique hues?
cardinal axes - same
unique hues - DIFFERENT b/w humans - shows variability - recall: GREEN is most variable
When they reach the cortex, the parvo/magno/konio pathways all project to what area/layer?
Where, specifically, do the PARVO cells project? How about the MAGNO cells? (what layer)?
4C layer of V1
parvo: 4Cb
magno: 4Ca
Within ocular dominance columns, SIMPLE cells respond to…
COMPLEX cells respond to…
BLOBS respond to…
simple: C/S config for bar of light AT UNIQUE ORIENTATION
complex: correct orientation that is MOVING
blobs: process color, not unique hues. Send their info to V2 before sending to V4 (color part of cortex)
A color will have maximum contrast when it is surrounded by….
-why does this happen?
its OPPOSING color
- if surround is green, it induces RED in the center. If red is already there, it’s even more pronounced
- Take-Home: the surround INDUCES THE OPPOSITE COLOR
which property of color is influenced by ADJACENT color squares?
- i.e. reds surrounded by yellow make line seem orange.
- red surrounded by blue make line seem violet
Color is a property of the ______, making what color property difficult to understand?
MATERIAL - therefore, it’s the same regardless of the lighting…but the lighting varies, changing the constant color’s appearance.
Property: color CONSTANCY (the dress)
Topic: color constancy
- OUTSIDE light tends to be (shorter/longer) wavelength.
- How about INSIDE light?
-Our visual system tries to discount WHAT in order to perceive colors as they really are?
outside: LONGER wavelength
inside: SHORTER wavelength
LUMINANCE is discounted. (Different illumination-same as luminance-triggers different cone responses, but somehow the visual system ignores the varying cone responses to keep the color the same)
What word defines when our visual system normalizes the cone responses every time there is a change in illumination?
Hint: this is also the MOST IMPORTANT reason why color constancy exists
chromatic adaptation.
-so long as observer and the object are under the SAME illumination, the object’s color stays the same (b/c the visual system normalizes)
When does color constancy FAIL? Seen in what effect?
fail: when we see objects WITHOUT SURROUND
- the KEYHOLE effect
Three variables of color constancy?
1) chromatic adaptation
2) effect of surroundings (keyhole effect)
3) memory (i.e. remembering red is on top @ traffic light)