Lecture 3 Physiology of the Heart II Flashcards
What percentage of their volume do the ventricles expel per beat
What are the two methods of increasing cardiac output
Increasing the heart rate or increasing the stroke volume by increasing the volume of blood expelled by the ventricles in each beat
What is the equation for cardiac output
Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
What are the units of cardiac output
Litres per minute
What is the standard resting stroke volume
What is the resting heart rate
What is the standard resting cardiac output
4.9L min-1
What is the standard blood volume
How many times per minute does the entire blood volume circulate
Once per minute
To what extent can cardiac output increase during exercise
Cardiac output can increase 7-fold to around 35L min-1
What is meant by ejection fraction
The percentage of the ventricles volume ejected with each cardiac contraction
What is the rough ejection fraction of patients in heart failure
Around 35%
Cardiac output is controlled by heart rate and stroke volume. How can heart rate be regulated
Heart rate is mainly regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate and contractility of the heart whole the parasympathetic nervous system decreases heart rate only. In addition circulating catecholamines such as noradrenaline also act although much slower to increase heart rate
How does the action of the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system differ in terms of their effects on stroke volume
The sympathetic nervous system acts on both the SAN and the cardiac myocytes themselves hence increasing the rate of impulse generation and the contractility of the muscle itself. In contrast the parasympathetic nervous system has very little effect on the ventricles themselves and mainly just decreases heart rate
How is stroke volume intrinsically regulated
Intrinsic regulation of stroke volume occurs due to changes in contractility of the muscle itself. This is determined by the availability of intracellular Ca2+ oxygen free fatty acids and ATP.
How is stroke volume regulated by extrinsic factors
Extrinsic regulation of stroke volume occurs due to changes in the preload or filling pressure and afterload as well as a contribution by the sympathetic nervous system
What is meant by preload
The preload is referred to as the filling pressure or the pressure created during diastole when the venous return brings blood back to the heart setting the stretch or tension in the muscle. It is also referred to as LV end diastolic pressure
What is meant by afterload
The afterload is the pressure against which the heart needs to contract. This is essentially the resistance of the circulation
How can the sympathetic nervous system extrinsically regulate the stroke volume
Due to its positive inotropic effects increasing the force of contraction
Describe the role of Ca2+ in the contraction of cardiac muscle
Depolarisation of the membrane of the cardiac myocyte spreads down T-tubules allowing it to get closer to the sarcoplasmic reticulum. During depolarisation there is an activation of voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels in the membrane of the cardiac myocyte which causes Ca2+ influx. This results in a rise in intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ specially during the plateau phase (100nM to 1-10μm). This Ca2+ entry from outside the cell leads to activation of the ryanodine receptor in the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This in turn causes store calcium release of Ca2+ (CICR) by SR which acts to enhance the increase in intracellular Ca2+ as part of a positive feedback system. The massive increase in intracellular Ca2+ leads to it binding to and displacing the troponin/tropomyosin complex from actin. This allows myosin to contact actin and filament sliding to occur
What is the significance of the intercalated discs
The intercalated discs are crosslinkages in the cardiac myocytes that help electrical conduction between cells
Define the Frank-Starling law
Changing the preload changes the resting tension and the tension that the heart can generate when it actively contracts
What is the relationship between changing the filling pressure/preload and the force of contraction in the heart. How does this relate to stroke volume and cardiac output
Increases in filling pressure (LVEDP/myocardial fibre stretching) increase the force of contraction. This in turn increases stroke volume and cardiac output
Draw a diagram of the typical healthy Frank-Starling curve
See completed diagram below

What can be said about the gradient of the Frank-Starling curve in healthy patients
It is relatively steep
In healthy patients what would be the effect of changes in the preload on the cardiac output
Changes in venous return would have a massive effect on stroke volume
Normally venous return is continually fluctuating to maintain cardiac output T or F
F – its remains relatively unchanged as small changes in preload will have a massive effect on cardiac output
The main regulation of cardiac output in healthy patients in the Frank-Starling mechanism T or F
F – the sympathetic nervous system takes over
In what situation(s) is the heart reliant on the Frank-Starling relationship
Heart transplant patients do not have a nerve supply to the heart so their cardiac output is controlled entirely by circulating catecholamines and the Frank-Starling mechanism
What is the effect of denervating the heart what does this tell us about its autonomic nervous system regulation
Denervation of the heart causes an increase in heart rate this implies that the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant and that vagal stimulation is occurring under rest conditions
What is the first response of the autonomic nervous system to exercise
The first response to exercise is to decrease vagal activity which acts to increase heart rate
What is the effect of changes in the afterload and contractility on the Frank-Starling curve
Increasing the afterload decreases the contractility of the heart and decreases the gradient of the Frank-Starling curve
What causes a decrease in cardiac contractility how does this impact stroke volume
Cardiac contractility can be decreased in heart attacks whereby the loss of heart muscle decreases the ability of the heart to contract. This decreases the stroke volume of the patient and decreases the gradient of the Frank-Starling curve
Describe the effects of changes in the preload and afterload on the Frank-Starling curve
Changes in the preload changes the point on the curve at which a particular stroke volume is achieved. Meanwhile changes in the afterload change the gradient of the curve itself
Increasing preload increases the stroke volume and cardiac output T or F
Increasing afterload increases the stroke volume and cardiac output T or F
F – it decreases it
The effects of sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the heart occur independently of preload and afterload T or F
What is the effect of sympathetic nervous system stimulation on the Frank-Starling curve
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation of the heart results in an increase in the gradient of the Frank-Starling curve. This means that the same stimulus in the presence of background sympathetic nervous system stimulation will result in a much larger response.
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation changes contractility T or F
Draw a diagram to depict what happens to the Frank-Starling relationship in patients in heart failure relative to healthy individuals
See completed diagram below

What is the problem in raising stroke volume and cardiac output in patients in heart failure
Because the gradient of their Frank-Starling curve is so shallow massive increases in preload/venous return will have very little effect on cardiac output
As a compensatory mechanism in heart failure patients will often have massively increased venous return what are the problems associated with this
Increased preload/venous return increases the filling pressure of the ventricles. This in turn increases the pressure in the atria and in the connected veins as there aren’t valves to regulate the pressure. In the left side of the heart increases in venous pressure causes pulmonary congestion and pulmonary oedema. In the right side of the heart this causes venous congestion and peripheral oedema.
What are the symptoms associated with high preload/LVEDP
Venous and pulmonary oedema
What are the symptoms associates with low cardiac output
Fatigue exercise intolerance
What is the benefit of diuretics in the treatment of heart failure
Diuretics lower the venous return and bring patients back down the Frank-Starling curve without significantly decreasing cardiac output (due to the fact that the curve is shallow)
What do patients with the most severe heart failure show
Low cardiac output and venous/pulmonary congestion
What combination of treatments are extremely effective in the treatment of heart failure and how do these act on the Frank-Starling curve
Diuretics shift them down the curve alleviating the symptoms of high end diastolic pressure. Meanwhile ACE inhibits decrease afterload and increase the gradient of the curve alleviating the symptoms of low cardiac output
What is the effect of digoxin on the Frank-Starling curve
As digoxin is a positive inotrope it increases the contractility of the heart muscle hence increasing the gradient of the Frank-Starling curve