Lecture 3 - Parsing Flashcards
A ? is a formal language used to communicate algorithms both from programmer to programmer and from programmer to machine.
programming language
(3) A formal language consists of:
- A set of symbols
- Rules for forming term
- Rules for transforming terms to terms
(3) To use programming language effectively, the following must study and understand it from three perspectives:
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Pragmatics
the set of symbols and rules for forming terms
Three perspectives
the rules for transforming terms to terms
Three perspectives
using the particular constructs of the language
Three perspectives
In ?, a language is defined as a set of strings of symbols that may be constrained by specific rules.
Context Free Language
formal language theory
Similarly, the written ? is made up of groups of letters (words) separated by spaces
Context Free Language
English language
A valid (accepted) sentence in the language must follow particular rules, the ?
Context Free Language
If L and P are CFL, then L∪P is also a CFL
Closure Properties
Context Free Language
if L and P are CFL, then LP is also CFL
Closure Properties
Context Free Language
if L is CFL, then L* is also CFL
Closure Properties
Context Free Language
Kleene Star
can generate context-free languages.
Closure Properties
Context Free Grammar
Context-free grammar
They do this by taking a set of variables which are defined ?, in terms of one another, by a set of production rules.
Closure Properties
Context Free Grammar
is defined by 4 tuples as G = {V, ∑, S, P} where
Closure Properties
Context Free Grammar
Context-Free Grammar
is defined by 4 tuples as G = {V, ∑, S, P} where
Closure Properties
Backus-Naur Form
Context-Free Grammar