lecture 3 inorganics Flashcards
Elements known for their lustrous
appearance, malleability, ductility and
conductivity. With the exception of
hydrogen, they make up the left two thirds
of the periodic table.
Essential Metals
Cu, Zn, Co, Fe, Mn
Nonessential Metals
Cd, Pb, Hg, As
How Metals effect biology/toxicity
Exposure to nonessential metals, or to high doses
of essential metals can result in toxicity
*Free metal ions bind to biologically important
–change molecular function
Speciation of Metals
Water chemistry is critically important in terms
of the toxicity of metal ions to aquatic
*Equally important is knowledge about the
speciation of the metal in the water of interest
*pH is often a factor determining speciation
*Metals bind to many ligand sites (carbon,
suspended particles, metal hydroxides of Al
and Fe, algae, etc.)
*Different metal species have different binding