Lecture 3 HEENT II - otitis media, etc. Cooper Flashcards
what is the GOLD STANDARD dx for otitis media (OM)?
Pneumatic otoscopy (must seal ear canal to do properly)
acute or new otitis media definition
≤ 48 hours
severe otitis media definition
toxic/sick appearing child, persistent otalgia (>48 hours, temperature ≥39oC (102.2oF) in the past 48 hours, or if there is uncertain access to follow-up
middle ear effusion (MEE)
fluid behind the tympanic membrane
acute otitis media (AOM) dx
- Moderate-severe bulging of the TM or otorrhea
- Mild bulging TM and recent ear pain or intense redness
otitis media with effusion (OME)
- MEE without signs or symptoms of acute ear infection
- use: Tympanocentesis and Pneumatic otoscopy to dx
what must you have to have AOM or OME?
-if no MEE, no AOM or OME
Most common cause of AOM
strep pneumoniae
2nd most common cause of AOM
H. influenza
other causes of AOM
m. cat, viruses, ostiomeatal complex dysfxn
OME (chronic OM) pathology
- Ostiomeatal complex/Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Sequelae of AOM (often AOM leads to OME)
- Viral
- Unknown
- Bacterial antigens
- Biofilm
what is the best management for OME?
watchful waiting for children not at increased risk for speech, language, or learning problems (3 months from the date of effusion onset or dx)
when do you reexamine child for OME?
3-6 month intervals until the effusion is no longer present if:
- No evidence of significant hearing loss
- No suspected structural abnormalities of the tympanic membrane (TM) or middle ear
- Do at 3-6 months intervals to make sure language is normal and hearing is normal
management for OME
- tubes (help with drainage and to help children hear/develop language)
- surgery
- prednisone, antihistamines/decongestants
what is NOT recommended by often given for OME management?
Prednisone oral or topical and antihistamines/decongestants
types of surgery for OME management?
- Myringotomy with tympanostomy tube insertion
- Tympanocentesis (stick needle in and suck fluid out)
- Adenoidectomy
if a child is ≤ to 6 months of age and present with AOM, is it severe or non-severe?
when do you give abx to pt with AOM?
if severe AOM and child is ≥ 6 months of age with moderate/severe signs OR symptoms OR temp ≥ 102.2F
Non-severe AOM txt
- Abx or observe in 6-23 months if unilateral and IF AND ONLY IF you have good follow up
- Abx ≤ 24 months if bilateral
- Abx or observe if ≥ 24 months
first choice treatment for AOM?
alternate first choice txt for AOm if tubes present?
quinolone drops
-C/I in children!!!
second choice txt for AOM?
bactrim as txt for AOM
> 2 months, dosing based TMP component
-many allergic rxns and skin rxns
cephalosporin for txt of AOM?
2nd or 3rd gen cephalosporins (cefpodoxime, cefuroxime, cefdinir)
-very good but more expensive
DOC for txt of AOM in child who is vomiting and can’t keep down PO’s?
ceftriaxone IV
what is the go to macrolide for txt of AOM?
azithromycin - it tastes good and don’t have to refrigerate
why is it not common to give clindamycin for txt of AOM?
b/c it doesn’t taste good and is expensive
pain relief for AOM
acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antipyrine/benzocaine
what is NOT recommended to use for AOM pain relief?
topical decongestants
can you use cold meds for AOM pain relief?
NO if < 2 y/o
Probs not if < 4 y/o
≥ 4 y/o, maybe
AOM follow-up
improvement in 24-48 hours (After abx)
-MUST RE-EVALUATE in 2 weeks!!!!
AOM ppx
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- Breast feeding (sucking part helps keep the Eustachian tube open)
- Smoke-free environment
- No bottles in bed
- Antibiotic prophylaxis – not recommended -> Amox sulfasoxazole
TM perf occurs from?
- infection, trauma
- blows to ear, severe atmospheric overpressure, excessive water pressure, improper attempts at wax removal
what to avoid in TM perf?
teardrops containing gentamicin, neomycin, tobramycin
what do you use to that TM perf if have otorrhea?
systemic antibiotics
in-office txts of TM perf?
paper-patch method, a Gelfoam plug, fibrin glue
surgical txt of TM perf?
do most TM perfs heal by themselves?
when to refer for TM perf?
- > 2 months
- Significant hearing loss
- Ossicular trauma
auricular hematoma results from?
direct trauma
“cauliflower ear”
-shearing forces - separation of anterior auricular perichondrium from the cartilage
-hematoma formation
auricular hematoma txt?
if early identification treat in office by draining (needle, I&D)
-splints, compression
Masoiditis txt
- Consult – must be admitted
- Medical – as with AOM
- Surgical