LECTURE 3 (Exercise stress testing) Flashcards
What is an exercise stress test?
Reveals the amount of stress that the heart can manage before showing symptoms of an abnormal rhythm or signs of ischemia
What happens during the exercise stress test?
Walk on treadmill/pedal a stationary bike -> hooked up to ECG machine -> gradually increase the difficulty -> blood pressure, heart rate and ECG are monitored
What can be determined from a stress test?
- Patient’s functional capacity
- Assess probability and extent of coronary artery disease (CAD)
- Assess risks prognosis and effects of therapy
What are the different types of stress tests?
- Exercise stress test
- Nuclear stress test
- Stress echocardiogram
What happens during a Nuclear stress test/Thallium stress test?
Receive dye via an IV line -> allows healthcare professionals to view images of your heart using a special camera
What happens during a Stress echocardiogram?
Healthcare professional will hold a transducer against your chest -> wand-like device creates sound waves that make moving pictures of your heart
What happens if a person cannot exercise?
The doctor might use a certain medication given through an IV line to trigger the same process
Why do we need a stress test?
- Determine if there is adequate blood flow to heart muscles during activities
- Determine chances of suffering from CORONARY HEART DISEASE
- Assess effectiveness of drugs used to control ANGINA and ISCHEMIA
- Assess effectiveness of procedures done
- Look for abnormal rhythms
- Assist in devising a safe exercise plan
- Check for improperly functioning valves
What is the age-predicted maximum heart rate?
Calculated by subtracting the patient’s age from 220
What are the risks of an exercise stress test?
- Low BP
- Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias)
- Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
What are the indications for stress testing?
- Acute chest pain in patients excluded for actor coronary syndrome (ACS)
- Known CAD with worsening symptoms
- Certain cardiac arrhythmias
- Newly diagnosed heart failure
What are contraindications for stress testing?
- Acute myocardial infarction within 2-3 days
- Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias
-Uncontrolled symptomatic heart failure - Acute aortic dissection
- Severe pulmonary hypertension
What are the 4 preparation steps for a stress test?
- Do not eat
- Do not have caffeine
- Do not take blood pressure meds
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
What are the absolute indications for termination of testing?
- A drop in systolic blood pressure of greater than 10 mmHg from baseline when accompanied by other ischemia indications
- Moderate-to-severe angina
- Ataxia & dizziness
- Cyanosis/Palloe
- Patient’s desire to stop
What are abnormal findings that represent a positive stress test?
- Exercise-induced hypotension
- Exercise-induced chest pain
- Appearance of S3 and/or S4 sounds or heart murmur
- Abnormal ECG findings
Which protocol is the most commonly used exercise treadmill stress protocol?
The Bruce protocol
What is the J point?
The junction between the termination of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment
Which further tests are usually required?
- Cardiac catheterisation
- CT coronary angiography
- Nuclear stress test
- Stress echocardiogram