Lecture 3: Equine Pelvic Limb (Exam 1) Flashcards
What is the difference btw/ the thoracic limb & the pelvic limb
The pelvic limb has a true bony connection to the trunk
How does the pelvis articulate w/ the trunk & the pelvic limb
- Pelvis to the trunk: sacroiliac joint
- Pelvis to the pelvic limb: coxal joint
What joins the left & right os coxae art the ventral midline
Pelvic symphysis
What are the three bones of the os coxae (plus the 4th developmentally)
- Ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
- Acetabular bone(developmentally)
What is the croup
Region btw/ the hip bone & tail dock
What is the point of the hip
Tuber coxae
What is the point of the buttock
Ischiatic tuberosity
Label the following:
Label the blue, red, & green areas
- Red: Tuber sacrale (sacral tuber)
- Blue: Tuber coxae (coxal tuber)
- Green: Tuber ischii (Ischial tuber or ischiatic tuberosity)
Which pelvis belongs to a canine and which belongs to equine
- A: Dog
- D: Equine
What parts of the pelvis are palpable
- Tuber sacrale
- Tuber coxae
- Tube ischii
- Greater trochanter
Label 1 - 4
Where is the greater trochanter
2/3 of the distance btw/ the tuber coxae & the tuber ischii
What is the slope of the pelvis used for & what can happen if its to steep or flat
- Used for conformation
- Sign of lameness
Label the following:
Whats the difference btw the canine sacrotuberous ligament & equine
In canines the sacrotuberous ligament is cord like while in equine it is very broad and considered the sacrosciatic ligament
What are the attachments of the sacrosciatic ligament
- Ischiatic spine
- Transverse process of the sacrum
What foramina are associated with the sacrostatic ligament
Greater & lesser sciatic foramina
What is a difference btw/ the greater & lesser sciatic foramina
The greater has vessels & nerves running through/around it while the lesser sciatic only
What is the ventral border (pecten pubis or pubic brim”
The cranial most rim of the pelvis located btw/ the dorsal pubic tubercle & the iliopubic eminence
What is the lateral border (arcuate line)
The ridge extending btw/ the iliopubic eminence & the auriculat surface of the ilium
Where is the tuberosity for the insertion of the psoas minor muscle found
Midway along the lateral border of the pelvic inlet
What does the dorsal border consist of
- Sacral promontory
- Wing of the sacrum
Label the blue, green, & yellow line
- Yellow: ventral border
- Green: Lateral border
- Blue: Dorsal border
Label the following:
What are the bones of the pelvic limb in Equine
- Femur
- Patella
- Tibia/Fibula
- Tarsal bones
- Metatarsal bones
- Proximal sesamoids
- Phalanges
What is a major structure @ the metatarsal joints
Proximal sesamoids
What is the difference btw/ the greater trochanter in canines and Equine
- In equine the greater trochanter is divided into a cranial & caudal part
- Rember the cranial part sits lower than the caudal part
What is affiliated w/ the cranial part
A subtendinous bursa (trochanteric bursa)
Describe the trochanteric bursa
A tendon that is deep to the gluteal muscle tendon
What is different about the third trochanter in equine, & why
- It is larger
- B/c the superficial gluteal m is larger
Describe the trochlea in Equine
- Comprised of a medial & lateral ridge w/ a deep depression (trochlear groove) btw/ them
- the medial trochlear ridge is larger & has a pronounced tubercle
What is a resting & gliding surface
- Resting: where the patella is sitting while resting (is more proximal)
- Gliding: where the patella lays when it is moving
Where does the long digital extensor originate from and pass through
- Originates: the extensor fossa of the femur
- Passes through: Extensor groove of the tibia
What is this
Extensor groove of the tibia
What is this
Extensor fossa
What is the origin of the superficial digital flexor muscle
The supracondylar fossa
What is this, describe it, and what muscle originates from it
- Lateral supracondylar tuberosity
- roughened cranial border of the supracondylar fossa
- Origin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius m
Is there a medial supracondylar tuberosity
Yes it is just not that prominent
What is the difference between the fibula found in equine vs. canine
- In canine the bone is separate from the tibia & elongated
- In horses the distal extremity of the fibula is reduced & does not extend the full lenght of the crus
What characteristics should you look for to not get the fibula confused w/ the splint bones
- the fibula does not have buttons
- the dorsal part of the fibula is more flat